I tried to avoid learning who won, but did not succeed, so I watched the final episode knowing Dave beat Kevin. What I don't know is how did I miss seeing Ariel sent home? Did I miss an episode?
I looked at the Fox Hell's Kitchen website and read the recap of the episode where Ariel was eliminated. When did this air? The Tuesday, October 6 episode is when Tennile was sent home. Between then and Tuesday's October 13 finale I somehow missed an episode.
Dave seemed to have the win in the bag from the start of the finale. Chef Ramsay brought the two remaining chefs to the roof above Hell's Kitchen. Looking down from the roof Dave and Kevin saw a big crowd cheering them. Dave and Kevin then had to prepare a dish to impress some award winning chefs and critics. Dave chooses to cook venison, while Kevin chooses lobster.
Dave won the challenge. I don't recollect Dave winning anything for winning or Kevin being punished for losing.
The next day the boys awoke to plan their menus. Kevin went with a complicated menu that was seafood oriented. Dave went a simpler route that he thought fit in with the Araxi Restaurant and the Whistler resort.
Now I remember what Dave got for winning that challenge. He got first pick of the returned chefs that were to make up their kitchen help. Dave chose Ariel. He also ended up with Big Robert.
Robert was particularly annoying, being a bigger jerk than his previous episodes of being a jerk.
Kevin had the misfortune to pick Amanda. Amanda proceeded to have a lot of trouble cooking seafood, which was supposed to be her forte. Kevin also got Van. Van proved useful, taking over for Amanda so she could mess up on another station.
The show's editors tried to make it look like it was a close competition, but I don't think it was. Dave's team had way fewer problems and was way faster.
So, it was a good ending to see one-armed Dave come through the door and win Hell's Kitchen. Dave did not jump up and down and yell like Danny did when he won the last Hell's Kitchen, but he acted plenty pleased.
Hell's Kitchen is now casting for the next season. I'll think I'll apply.
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