Click here to hear Kim sing Don't Be Tardy for the Party.
Links to other more recent RHOA posts are below.
The new season of The Real Housewives of Atlanta is 2 episodes in. We have learned that Kim Zolciak and her benefactor, she calls Big Pappa, is no longer buying Kim whatever she wants. Last season we saw Big Pappa buy Kim all sorts of things, whenever Kim had a whim. Like buying her a brand new Cadillac SUV.
Now that Kim has been cut off the Big Pappa gravy train she says she will do whatever she has to do to maintain her spend a lot of money lifestyle, getting 3 jobs, if that's what it takes. We have yet to learn what happened to Kim's plan to be a country music singer. We have seen Kim explore the idea of starting a line of wigs.
There continues to be a log of speculation as to the identity of Big Pappa. The general consensus seems to be that it is a guy named Lee Najjar, he being the guy in the middle in the picture. Lee Najjar made his millions in the Atlanta real estate market.
In the half hour "Lost Footage" episode that preceded this week's new episode, we saw Kim say it was her choice to keep Big Pappa's identity a secret. Kim also said that we may be seeing Big Pappa in the new season. This was obviously filmed well before Kim and Big Pappa were no more. In the "Lost Footage" episode Kim said Big Pappa had left his wife and was getting a divorce.
Over the 2 seasons of The Real Houswives of Atlanta I have gotten some good gossip from various sources about Kim Zolciak. Who knows if it is true or not? Seems plausible to me. Read the below links for info about the various Real Housewives of Atlanta Scandals. Including the real estate woes of NeNe and her husband.
Kim has been at the heart of most of the drama so far, with NeNe Leakes accusing Kim of spreading rumors about NeNe's financial problems, with Sheree now on NeNe's side, so much so that the latest episode ended with a "Too Be Continued" cat fight that started in a restaurant and had Sheree calling Kim "trailer trash" with NeNe and Sheree chasing Kim out of the restaurant and down the street.
Below is some internet gossip about Kim that popped up last season...
"Turns out Kim really is 30.
Geez, she's only 30 years old yet she looks ten years older. Guess that must be because of all the cigarettes and booze she does. Am I remembering right, when Miss Jan asked about Kim's smoking habit, didn't she say she smokes 2 packs a day? Wow. Two PACKs. That's a helluva lot of cigarettes in one day.
I found a divorce record for "Kimberleigh Zolciak" from Dan Toce. Dan and Kimberleigh were divorced in 2003 (the initial divorce papers were filed in 2001). Additional records are available if you go to the court house.
At another website a "reader" says Kim's ex is Daniel Toce (who, according to the reader, is 70 years old and a multimillionare). The reader goes on to say that the poor bastard pays Kim $30k per month for child support for both kids plus she gets $250k per year for alimony. Hope that's not true. They couldn't have been married all that long. Hell, the divorce proceedings probably lasted longer than the "marriage".
She had an affair with a Sgt. in the Windsor Locks, CT police department at the age of 17 which resulted in him being fired. There are several articles in the archives of The Hartford Courant, but you have to pay to get them.
I feel bad for her daughters."
Lisa's 2007 Bankruptcy and multiple aliases
Click here for an Interview with Kim where she talks about her singing, Big Poppa and all her other problems...
Click here for RHOA's latest, including rumors about Kim having cancer and a stripping career, Sheree's RHOA celebration party and more...
Click here for an Interview with Kim where she talks about her singing, Big Poppa and all her other problems...
Click here for RHOA's latest, including rumors about Kim having cancer and a stripping career, Sheree's RHOA celebration party and more...
Kimberleigh Marie Zolciak and Daniel Dominic Toce were married in Walton County, Florida on 5 May 2001.
That older daughter is older than seven so either she's not a child of that marriage or was born a few years before marriage.
She spells it Kimberleigh? Barf.
Kim does not have freakin cancer. And she gave it away she said that all of a sudden she started to lose her hair and she started losing wieght and her doctor friend told her that she has cancer.
this is totally obvious because you lose your hair and weight and things like that during chemotherapy not when you just trying to figure out your symptoms. Honestly Kim if you wanted ateention you should have lied at least a little bit better or not have said anything at all because your diagnosis is not cancer but stress, smoking, and drinking maybe then you will start to look your age honey.
I thought Kims hair looked good I did not realize it was a wig. But when she stated crying and saying her wig was too tight I was floored.
She said she went to nursing school she should have learned that if nothing else. You could have 10 wigs on and it won't crush your brain. I thought she was wearing the wig because her hair was falling out from the wigs some of the stuff she was saying were backwards. It could be she uded to much bleach over a short period of time. And I don't think any Dr. would go on record saying I am 90% sure you have cancer. You can't diagnos cancer w/o bloodtest and other test. And the come to find out she was married to an older man and now he pays you alimony and childsupport and now you are more or less doing the samething a man with money. You are not teaching your daughters any life lessons they will end up worse then you!
Dan Toce was one of my best friends in high school. He is 34, not 70 and is not even close to being a multi-millionaire. He just got out of jail not too long ago. I don't speak to him anymore because he left his wife, who was also a friend of mine, for Kim. He tried to get back in touch with me after his divorce from Kim, but I didn't respond.
If he was a good friend, you should reach out to him rather than just have his back on a blog. Anyone just out of jail needs people to help them re-adjust or get completely re-establish a life. Kim has shown her true colors, and Dan has shown bad judgement. Be a friend if you have the ability.
I said he WAS a friend. That was 16 years ago and someone that can leave two young kids and a wife high and dry for another woman without paying a dime of child support will never be a friend of mine. That's called "good judgement".
Good for you Anon 12/9/08 @ 7:39am! Thanks for sharing your story. You did the right thing cutting off such a selfish jackhole. It shows you have integrity and loyalty. Your posts are spot on!! Fantastic responses.
Kim has made a fool out of herself she is not a good roll model for her daughters to continue to sleep with married men to gain materialistic things. Sheree got exactly what she deserved from her divorce because she put a figure out there like on national tv. Deshawn sends mixed signals the comment she made to Lisa about NFL and NBA money contracts caddy comment she made she has what she strictly because of her husband. Lisa is self made she works for what she wants. You Go Girl!
I went to high school with Dan and his first ex-wife. From what I heard kim and Dan raked her through the coals and stole her credit cards...Dan left his first 2 daughters and went for kim. Apparently he had 2 more children, one with kim (the younger daughter) and another daughter with a coworker. The last I knew dan was back in CT. He is definitely not a multimillionaire...in fact he owes his first ex- over $30,0000 in back child support.
Brielle is Kim's daughter from another father. Dan had the younger one with kim.
-posted from a family member-
Wow, the more I read about Kim the more I dislike her. I can't even imagine how the woman that she had a part in screwing over in the past 15 years feel seeing her ugly arse on TV. She is a disgrace to women, and I think she probably needs some therapy from issues stemming back form childhood. Its unfortunate that their are people out there like her that do not respect themselves and don't give a flying F how their actions effect other peoples lives. Shame on her and all of her weak willed "big poppas".
I think Kim is doing great for her kids and self. She is a single mother trying to have the best for her kids. Who give a fuck if the man married or not? I do know that everyone has fucked around with someone man or husband. How you think you got in the relationship you are in now? You took him or her from someone stop playing. I hate when someone tries to judge and they need to look in the damn mirror first. Stop haten because you cant find a man with money or care for you enough to buy you a damn happy meal losers. You go Kim! I hope the best for you and your kids doll face.
One thing bothers me worse is that Kim says Money and Class, she has neither money or class to think that all she really is is a Call girl for who will never divorce his wife or lose his 4 kids. She said she was a nurse and a waitress. Well honey I don't see her demeaning herself cleaning up someones poop or vomit. It says HOUSEWIVES so how the heck did she get on there. Shes turning her kids into grabbing, I want, its mine, spoilt, givemegivemes...
Can anyone tell me HOW MUCH these housewives get paid per episode cause the ones that were nice at the beginning are turning into greedy, backstabbing witches!!!!
$3,333.00 / mo is what the RHWONJ makes.
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