A record breaking 132 million votes were cast, which after being tabulated, had Phillip Phillips beating Jessica Sanchez for the coveted
American Idol Season 11 title.
With ten votes per phone line and additional online voting methinks those 132 million votes are more like less than 13 million people actually voting, with the majority of those voting being teenage (and younger) girls.
Well, I think all those voters made a good choice.
To me, Phillip Phillips is the best
American Idol WGWG (White Guy With Guitar) winner in years. He's got personality, a sense of humor, can play a guitar and I can listen to him sing an entire song due to the lack of screeching.
I am not a fan of shouted screeching of the Jessica Sanchez/Joshua Ledet type. I think my tone deaf ears don't hear the melodic tones that others hear. I just hear screaming screeching.
The American Idol 2 hour Results Show was rather well done, in my opinion. Like a slickly produced, live, variety show on steroids.
Now that
American Idol has been the #1 TV Show in America for so long all sorts of top stars are willing to appear. Neil Diamond, Rihanna, Chaka Khan, Jennifer Holliday, John Fogerty, Reba McEntire. I am likely forgetting some.
And, after 11 seasons there is a big supply of former winners that show up to sing again, like Fantasia.
American Idol Final Results Shows have had a lot of padding to fill out the two hours. This year, not much padding. Unless you count the long, possibly indulgent, but entertaining performances by Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler with Aerosmith.
The most contrived moment of the show was the hokey marriage proposal, with ring, when Ace Young asked his roommate, Diana DeGarmo, to become his lawfully wedded wife. Ace badly needs a haircut.
This year
American Idol had an image advisor, Tommy Hilfiger, who was mostly ignored. On his advice Erica Van Pelt went from blonde to black. And then got the boot. Erica is back blonde. Phillip Phillips listened to none of Hilfiger's lose the gray advice. I suspect Tommy Hilfiger will not be back advising next year.