UPDATE: Aftermath of the Rozlyn Affair
ABC's The Bachelor is my current only guilty pleasure that I'm a bit embarrassed I watch. In my defense I do a lot of fast forwarding.
Tonight's episode did not disappoint at being good train wreck TV.
Roslyn got one of those special roses. I think it was for the group modeling thing at the start of tonight's show. Jake seemed to be liking Roslyn.
Then we get to the cocktail party that gets the girls a bit drunk before the Sacred Rose Ceremony.
The party is underway when Chris Harrison drags Roslyn from the group of girls. Harrison seems to be borderline in tears as he confronts Roslyn with the fact that she'd been fooling around with one of the shows production people. Roslyn acted a bit arrogant, told Chris her private life was really none of his business. Roslyn really quickly went from being cute to seeming really stupid.
That Jake guy dodged a bullet with that Roslyn one. Then again, except for being able to fly a plane, Jake does not seem to be all that sharp a cutting tool. Jake appears to be about 5' 5" tall. Not that that has anything to do with anything.
I would have gotten rid of that dumb Elizabeth girl who read him a really long note explaining why he could not kiss her. And then proceeded to act like a kiss tease tart. It wasn't cute. And then after that, Jake gave Elizabeth one of those Sacred Roses. I would have told her kiss me now or there is no rose for you tonight. But, he respected her shallow values, that didn't seem to actually exist, except as a flirt tool.
The previews are often a tad deceptive, but Jake tells one girl she does not need to wait to not get a rose, she can leave now. It looked like it might be Elizabeth who Jake tells to leave. That would make for good TV. I'll be watching.
i agree with the elizabeth comment. she was pathetic. and why would he keep michelle? that girl is a way too emotional and seems to be very controlling and moody.
I think that Roslyn is a hired actress, and that they put her in the show to create drama, because last year had a lot of drama and they need to make sure this year surpasses the former.
I agree with the Elizabeth and the Michelle comment.
That Michelle seems almost a bit stalker-ish. Kind of creepy. I like the girl he took on the plane ride, Ali? is her
name? She is kind of young, but likeable.
It is all staged, who cares, I'll still watch.
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