Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dancing With The Stars: Joanna Krupa & Derek Hough Not In Finals

I was hoping it would be Donny Osmond no longer on my TV screen, but instead it was Joanna Krupa who got the boot last night on Dancing with the Stars.

I've never been much of a Donny Osmond fan. I like Marie. She's funny. I don't find Donny funny. His efforts at humor seem way too forced. I had no idea he had reproduced so many times til I saw his bio clip on Monday's show.

I thought Joanna Krupa's bio would have made people more inclined to vote for her. Then again, it did not cause me to vote for her. I've never voted on any of the vote for the winner type reality shows.

Of the 3 remaining I knew who 2/3's of them were before this season started. I'm still not clear who Mya is. I fast forwarded through her Monday night bio.

I'm not much invested in who wins this thing. If I had to pick who I'd like to see take home the coveted disco ball trophy I guess it'd be Kelly Osborne. She has sort of transformed herself during the course of the show, making her, for me, the most interesting person to watch. I'm thinking Kelly Osborne really was not a star before she got this dancing job, but I think Dancing with the Stars may have turned Kelly into a star. She's just so darn cute.

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