Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Amazing Race: Dan & Flight Time Take a Tumble

If I remember right, during the first few seasons of The Amazing Race the race followed a west to east or east to west direction, sometimes going south, sometimes north, but always gaining on an around the world journey.

The current Amazing Race went west and north from Dubai to Holland, then back east to Sweden, then further east to this week's Tallinn, Estonia and next week south and a bit west to the Czech Republic.

It's a zig zag race around the world.

This week's Detours and Roadblocks were entertaining. Particularly the mud volleyball. The Candelabra Roadblock in Mustpeade, the home of the Brotherhood of the Blackheads, was amusing. Particularly when Matt had no idea what a Candelabra was.

The Globetrotters, Sam & Dan and Erica & Brian all running together, trying to find the marked route to the detour, was funny. The 4 boys beat Brian & Erica to the 2 volley ball courts, so the married pair opted to take slingshot vegetable shots at a moose target.

Meghan & Cheyne had already won their 5 volleyball points and had checked in at 1st place at the Pitstop before the next 3 teams found the detour.

It was neck and neck between the Globetrotters and Sam & Dan to get the 5 points. Flight Time & Big Easy got 5 first and took off running to where they thought the Pitstop was. Then Sam & Dan got their 5 and took off running the correct direction, over a boardwalk to a wooden tower. The Globetrotters realized their mistake, turned around, and quickly caught up with the brothers. Flight Time fell down twice trying to overtake Dan & Sam, taking down Dan with him on the second fall. Dan got up and running faster than the big guy, so Dan & Sam made it ahead of the Globetrotters to the mat to claim the #2 spot.

Big Easy was not pleased about being manhandled by the much smaller brothers, claiming that Dan had knocked the much bigger Flight Time down, saying "I'm 6'10", 260, so we're gonna do what we gotta do." I think Big Easy needs to watch the incident on re-play.

In the end, the dad and son team of Gary & Matt could not recover from their mistakes, including the illusive candelabra, and came in last and were eliminated.

I have to say, the Sauna Bus that Gary & Matt had to take a 5 minute sauna in for their Speed Bump, was a very bizarre thing.

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