Thursday, September 10, 2009

Top Chef Las Vegas: Jesse & Hector Pack Their Knives And Go

A double elimination this week on Top Chef. Jesse Sandlin and Hector Santiago were told to pack their knives and go.

This week in Vegas it was all French. Starting with a snail Quickfire Challenge. French superstar chef, Daniel Boulud was the guest judge.

The chefs had something like 40 minutes to whip up a stunning escargot dish for Boulud. Many of the chefs confessed to having never cooked snails.

The chefs were also told that the winner would get something special and the loser would be going home. Boulud picked Jennifer Carroll's, Kevin Gillespie's and, I think, Michael Isabella's snail as the best, then picking Kevin's snails as the best of the best.

The worst were Robin Leventhal, Jesse Sandlin and Ashley Merriman. I already told you it was Jesse who was sent packing. Before that happened the three had a 20 minute cook-off, preparing an amuse bouche. I have no idea if that is how that is spelled. But it's when you prepare one little tasty thing. Jesse's amused Tom and Daniel's palates the least.

I had grown to like Jesse. She needs to lose the lip piercings. I do not care for Ashley. She looks more like a man than some of the men. I know, horrible thing to say, but it's what I was thinking.

For the Elimination Challenge Kevin was told he would not be cooking, because he would be dining with the judges, along with some very famous French chefs. All the chefs seemed quite gaga over the idea they'd be cooking for these famous chefs, with the most famous being the "Chef of the Century," Joel Robuchon. He speaks little English, and so a translator was provided.

For the challenge the chefs drew knives that had either a French protein or sauce on it. They then paired up according to what sauce went well with what protein.

The famous French chefs were quite impressed with the Top Chef's efforts. In addition to the aforementioned Boulud and Robuchon, there were Hubert Keller, Laurent Tourondel and Jean Joho.

The favorites were the Jennifer Carrol/Michael Voltaggio team along with the Michael Isabella/Bryan Voltaggio team. In the end it was Bryan who impressed the judges the most, so it was win #2 for him. Last week didn't the other brother win? And wasn't he teamed with the other Michael who was teamed with his brother this week?

It was amusing that the funny Frenchman, Mattin Noblia, failed so miserably at French cooking. He was paired with the aforementioned Ashley. The other pair in the bottom were Robin and the aforementioned Hector, who I already told you was the one told to pack his knives and leave.

The Top Chefs are really impressing the judges this season. Everything seems amped up to me. Vegas does that to you. I wonder why they did not go to the Paris casino. Or up the Eiffel Tower?

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