Thursday, September 10, 2009

Flipping Out With Hell's Kitchen & President Obama

Lately I have not been watching very much television, which makes it a bit odd that I have a TV blog. In the past 4 days I think all I have watched is Hell's Kitchen, Flipping Out and last night's speech by President Obama to a joint session of Congress.

On this week's Hell's Kitchen Andy finally got told to go. He seemed quite inept. Dave continues to impress Chef Ramsay, which then seems to cause Dave to try and be even more of a superhero. From the previews it appears Dave gets injured again. Will be be able to cook without the use of either hand?

The girls continued to despise Suzanne in the latest episode. With Ramsay unable to choose either team as a winner, after dinner service, he told by the boys and the girls to pick someone from their team to be eliminated. The boys picked Andy, the girls picked Suzanne.

After Ramsay booted Andy it appeared he was about to do the same to Suzanne. He told her to take her red jacket off. And put on a blue jacket, because she was now on the boy's team. The boy's were not too happy about this.

Meanwhile, on Flipping Out, Jeff Lewis hired a new assistant, Shawn, who quickly did not work out when Jenni told Jeff she and heard Shawn at one of Jeff's clients, Chaz the hairdresser, giving Chaz a business card and telling Chaz he'd like to do yoga with him. It all seemed odd.

Some hilarity ensued when Jeff went to retrieve his towed car in what he thought was a bad part of town. While the tow truck people processed paper work, they told Jeff he might want to go to the taco joint down the street. So, Jeff and Jenni head out for the taco joint to find it was one of those taco joints on wheels. With no tables. But, Jeff found a chair, while Jenni had to crouch on the ground and eat her taco.

Jeff fired Shawn and tried to give him some money, which Shawn refused. Something to do with wounded pride.

Meanwhile, last night's speech by President Obama had some Flipping Out/Hell's Kitchen moments. Like when Congressman Joe Wilson, Republican from South Carolina, interrupted the president by yelling "You Lie!" when Obama said there would be no coverage for illegal immigrants.

Yelling at the president, when he is addressing congress, is a big no-no, it is being called a historic breach of decorum. John McCain opined that the act was totally disrespectful and that Wilson should apologize immediately.

A short time later Wilson apologized, saying he let his emotions get the best of him. He said his behavior was inappropriate and regrettable.

I've got Top Chef recorded from last night. I'll get around to watching it soon. I hope.

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