On this week's
Hell's Kitchen, Robert Hesse did not make it back from the hospital in time for the craps reward challenge. Each team was given a dice with 12 letters on it. Then each team member tossed the dice and had to come up with a food item using the letter that came up.
When Dave came up with an "F" he muttered the "F" word, I think, and then stood, baffled for a really long time, while the girls giggled, and then giggled more when he chose figs.
The boys and girls then had to make a dish with their ingredients. The boys were a bit baffled as to what to do with the figs. Their protein was haddock. The girls had an easier time of it, with their rabbit. But, in the end, the girls ruined their rabbit with an overpowering garlic sauce, while the figs turned the sauce, that went over the haddock, into something really tasty.
So, the boys got to go to Vegas, while the girls prepped and unloaded trucks whenever a delivery truck buzzer went off. That is a Hell's Kitchen classic. The girls should have known the delivery truck buzzer was gonna go off again after they were in bed for the night.
The boys had a great time in Vegas, bonding without Robert. They'd done so well on the craps challenge they were sure they'd ace dinner service, particularly without Robert.
But, the boys were barely back in Hell's Kitchen when Robert made a noisy return.
There were chef's table for the first time in Hell's Kitchen. Chefs from Ramsay's restaurants sat at special tables close to the action. The boys and girls had trouble remembering to check in on the chef's tables. In the end the girl's chefs said they'd "return again," the boy's chefs said, "no thanks."
Van had trouble describing the protein options to the chef's table. Van is one very odd looking guy, to my eyes. He is from Dallas. Van also had trouble with two instances of sending out fish with wax paper stuck to it.
The girls had trouble with their chef's table too. The chefs thought Ariel's scallops were not cooked or seasoned properly.
Suzanne was driving all the girls batty with her constant busy body ways. She is really annoying.
Ramsay shut the kitchen down when Robert sent out raw rabbit. Prior to that Robert had mangled a lot of lamb. And he disgusted me by sweating like a fat pig. Well, I don't now if fat pigs sweat, but you get the picture. It was not appetizing. Ramsay seemed to focus more angry ire at competent chef, Kevin, for continuing to toss pasta after the shutdown order.
Ramsay picked one-armed Dave as the best of the worst and told him to pick two of his teammates for elimination. Dave seems like a nice guy. He seemed to sort of agonize over his picking duty. In the end Dave picked Robert and Van, for obvious reasons, one is fat, one is ugly and both botched up their cooking, real bad. Who wants to eat raw rabbit or wax paper?
Ramsay then told Andy to step forward and sent Van back in line. This had Robert acting all triumphant, like justice was being served. Robert then got quite angry in his defense of his indefensible position. In the end Ramsay said Andy's name, which had Andy stepping forward and taking off his jacket, to which Ramsay told him to get back in line, sending the totally deserving Robert home.
I really do not think they should have had Robert back after last season's health issues. There should have been a caveat, as in, lose 200 pounds and we'll be happy to give you another chance. Instead Robert got fatter, is still unhealthy and he really should not be cooking food for people. Raw rabbit. Should that not be a career ender?