Thursday, March 12, 2009

Kelly Clarkson Pregnant On American Idol Results Show?

On last night's American Idol results show, Kelly Clarkson sang her new song from her new album. The song, called something like "My Life Sucks Without You," shot to #1 on the Billboard charts faster than any previous #1 song.

By morning dark corners of the Internet were sparking rumors that Kelly Clarkson is pregnant. I assume these rumors were sparked by how the profile of her midsection looked from some angles.

But, watching her sing last night it never crossed my mind that she looked pregnant.

Kelly sang while Anoop and Jorge were kept waiting to find out which one was being sent home. Prior to those two being kept waiting we'd seen Jasmine sent tearfully home.

Eventually Jorge was told to pack his knives and leave, but not before the Judges supposedly consulted as to whether or not to use their new rule. Which turned out to be lame, in that if the Judges unanimously decided that someone should not have gotten the boot, they can save that person. And then boot 2 the next week.

The logic of this new rule escapes me. Apparently it was an American National Tragedy that Jennifer Hudson, Tamyra Gray, Chris Daughtry and that Aussie Michael Johns supposedly got sent home before they should have been, thus sending waves of shock and anguish across the country.

Saving a person who should have been the one to go is just going to annoy people, causing the person saved to likely get sent home the next week. Then again who knows? Maybe somehow this new rule has some entertainment value that I'm not currently getting, like when the Hidden Immunity Idol first appeared on Survivor, it took awhile for its entertainment value to reveal itself.

American Idol should have a Hidden Immunity Idol. That'd be fun to watch. Or not.

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