Wednesday, March 11, 2009

American Idol: Rule Change

I don't recollect an over the top anointing of the expected winner on the first Final 12, uh, 13, American Idol, like what happened on Tuesday with Adam Lambert.

And then the announcement by Simon Cowel at the end of the show saying there was going to be a rule change. And it involved the judges.

Of course, the Internet is abuzz with rumors as to what this change might be. Rumors like the judges will pick who gets sent home from the bottom 3. That rumor and the one that has the judges giving immunity to one of the bottom 3 are the only two rumors that seemed remotely possible.

Then we had Ryan Seacrest say something like "if we do this, then we'll have to change the name of the show." I guess meaning it was no longer America's idol, it'd become Judge's idol.

Anyway, I'll likely fast forward through American Idol tonight and learn what the big change is.

Oh, one more thing, high definition TV is definitely not everyone's friend. Maybe we don't need to see everything crystal clear. Like the next American Idol's skin.

Below you can watch a YouTube video of the new American Idol, Adam Lambert, singing "Crazy" at the Upright Cabaret last year....

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