Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Real Housewives of New York City Season 2

Yes, there is soon to be a Season 2 of The Real Housewives of New York City. It appears all the housewives are back, and judging by the photo it appears we have added a new housewife.

The Season Premiere is Tuesday, February 17 at 10pm Eastern, 9pm Central on Bravo. As you can see on the poster, you are invited to a Premier Day Party at SEPHORA 5th Avenue at Noon. That's at 587 5th Avenue at 48th Street. In New York City. An invitation is required for admission. There are door prizes for the lucky attendees.

I am amazed that (the should have been humiliated by last season couple), Alex and Simon are back for another round. Are they going to try and redeem themselves? They seemed so clueless that I really don't see looking for redemption as being on one their concerns.

I wonder if Alex and Simon have fixed up their rundown house? Or are they still spending big bucks on gala openings and gowns?

From the teaser previews it appears the "Countess" may get put in her place. She needed a comeuppance. She's in America, for gawdsakes. We don't put any stock in that royalty business unless you are a queen, king, prince or princess. The only count we Americans have ever cared about is Dracula.

I enjoyed the first season of the NYC Housewives. They were alien, entertaining creatures to me. As were the even more alien Atlanta Housewives. I've tried to get interested in The Real Housewives of the OC, but, I don't know what it is, maybe it's because they are west coast and I am west coast, they don't seem all that alien to me. They do seem disturbing and weird, at times, though. Which is how I often find things on the west coast.

One of the OC Housewives appears to be some sort of very dumb gold digger who somehow became the trophy fiance of a cadaverous old geezer, with money, who has a bad case of leukemia. The guy's name is Jeff. He has been married and divorced 5 times. The gold digger's name is Gretchen Rossi. She admits she is not attracted to the cadaverous, sickly geezer, that he is not her type. Yet she says he is her "Prince Charming" and the sweetest man she has ever known. We don't know if by "known" she means in the biblical sense. One can only hope not.

Jeff was on his death bed in the hospital a few months after they met, which must have struck Jeff as a very romantic place to propose, so that's what he did. Gretchen gets away from Jeff, fairly often, and meets up with the other "housewives" to drink and do things like have a good time in Vegas.

These women have had a lot of plastic work done. And it shows. And not in a good way. There is a lot of enhanced boobage, with a lot of enhanced boobage exposure. One of the OC housewives is Jeana Keough. She was a Playboy centerfold in her heyday. She now sells real estate. I don't mind Jeana.

One of the housewives is named Lynnne Curtin. She appear to have had the most work done. She should see a good malpractice lawyer. I find her annoying and sort of creepy.

The best train wreck of the group is this real oddball, who can be sort of funny, due to that oddball thing, she being Vicki Gunvaison. She seems to be a workaholic who also likes to drink too much. She seems to have a nice husband who she does not treat all that nice.

Apparently I have watched more than I realized of The Real Housewives of the OC. But I don't find it as entertaining as NYC and Atlanta. Is there going to be a Season Two of The Real Housewives of Atlanta? And will crazy Kim be on it? Singing her country western hit songs?

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