Saturday, February 7, 2009

American Idol: Hollywood Week---The Groups

I did not care for Part 2 of this week's American Idol. I don't like the "Group" sing thing. It just seems unfair. Sort of random. And if it were me I would hate having to wander around trying to find someone willing to let me in their group.

It seems pretty obvious this Group thing is thrown in to make some good reality TV, not to select a good singer.

We didn't see a lot of the groups, we focused mainly on two, I suspect, do to their drama/train wreck potential.

In one group, the Divas, we had Bikini Girl, Katrina Darrell. I don't remember the other girl's names.

In the second group (I don't remember the name of the group), but I do remember one of the group was Nathaniel Marshall, about whom I'd blogged before, regarding my opinion that it seemed mean to me for American Idol to fuel this odd kid's delusional fantasies. At that time I remarked about his unfortunate piercings, with me remarking about my disdain for tattoos. Little did I know, then, that Nathaniel also had tattoos, which he bared, on his arms, during the group sing.

I'm thinking my advice to Nathaniel would be not to worry about piercing and tattoos and instead concentrate on that extra weight you haul around that gives you a waddle affect when you move around. That and learn to do a little less crying.

Back at the Divas, Bikini Girl is gone. She did not take it graciously. She was a bit of a brat when the other three wanted her to practice. Bikini Girl went to bed. I heard her interviewed on Ryan Seacrest's radio show. She seemed good-natured about it all, still wanting to makeout with Ryan. Apparently tonight Bikini Girl is being paid $20K to host some party in Hollywood. I don't know if wearing the bikini is required.

In Nathaniel's group, he and the blonde got through, with the angry black girl getting sent home. She did not take it well.

One thing I did not like is before the singing started Simon told the kids that if anyone forgets any lyrics it is an auto boot home. This sent shivers through the crowd. You put that fear into people and there are certain sorts who will just program themselves to fail. It seemed so arbitrary.

The forgetting the lyrics thing gave the boot to that cute pink-haired girl, I think her name was Emily. And that scion of the Osmonds. He seemed to sing well and looked like a pop star. And yet they put through the overweight, obviously emotionally troubled Nathaniel.

It would seem more sensible if Simon would have said, any of you who are overweight, it's an auto boot, any of you who are hyper emotional, auto-boot, any of you who just don't look the part, auto-boot. Don't worry too much about the lyrics, that's just nerves, time and experience will help you with that.

Maybe Emily and the Osmond kid will be back during the Wild Card part. Along with Jesus Valenzuela (I may have the spelling wrong). I liked him and he was the only one of his group to get the boot. Maybe he sang totally off key. I'm tone deaf, so I have no idea. The so-called "judges" gave no explanation that I noticed.

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