My biggest problem with The History Channel is too many commercial breaks, with the commercial breaks lasting too long. This can often cause me to go into channel chasing mode, after which I forget to return to The History Channel.
A couple nights ago I discovered a new channel among the way too many channels to choose from on my new AT & T U-verse, that being Military History Channel. I've found myself watching only the Military History Channel 2 nights in a row. This is caused by the lack of commercials. There'll be very short breaks where another Military History Channel show will be advertised and then right back to the program.
So, when I turned off the TV, Tuesday night, it was on The Military Channel. When I turned it on during lunch, on Wednesday, it was on The Military Channel. Same thing Wednesday night and today during lunch. My TV has been on nothing but The Military Channel for 3 days.
All due to no commercials. And good programs.
Tonight's Military Channel schedule is Deadmen's Secrets (Secrets of the Desert War), 2 episodes of Hitler's Managers (Alfred Krupp: The Weapons Builder & Ferdinand Porsche: The Engineer), Conspiracy (CIA and the Nazis), Mail Call (Military Pilot Training/Flak...) and The Last Days of WWII (April 15-21).
It would seem that last one should be named Last Days of WWII in Europe due to WWII's Last Days occurring in Japan on August 15, not April 21.
I suspect I'll be watching a lot of stuff about Nazis when I turn on my big screen tonight. But I've got last night's Top Chef recorded. I hate too many choices.
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