Monday, November 4, 2013

Singing With The Vienna Boy's Choir Eliminates Tim & Danny From The Amazing Race

When first I met Tim & Danny on Season 23 of The Amazing Race I figured the Oklahoma team would not be long for the race, particularly when we saw them already having trouble simply getting to LAX in Los Angeles.

I did not expect the Tim & Danny team to become my favorite, but they did. I was not pleased to have Phil eliminate them from the race this week.

I was particularly displeased because the elimination was due to a very unfair Roadblock that had Tim singing a song, in German, with the Vienna Boy's Choir.

And the song had to be in tune.

I am totally tone deaf. If I had been doing that Roadblock I would have been in last place, after Tim.

At 23 iterations of The Amazing Race I can see why I've grown a bit jaded about it. The wonder of seeing places in the world I've never seen before has faded. Mostly due to the fact that the race does not seem to go anywhere totally surprising too often anymore.

In earlier seasons of The Amazing Race I seem to remember things like teams driving on to a ferry in Gibraltar, then driving across North Africa, following route markers. That type thing does not happen anymore, or so  rarely I am not remembering the last time.

Too often, now, too much of the hour is spent on airport drama. Like that awful leg that eliminated the amusing footballers, Chester & Ephraim, unable to catch a plane break, arriving days late in Portugal.

And then there is the, what seems to me to be, over use of taxis. Show the driver the clue, ask if he can drive them there. Get a bad taxi driver and you're out of luck.

And then there are the challenges. This latest episode, in addition to singing with the Vienna Boy's Choir, had teams putting on a mask, then finding matching masks among a big herd of waltzing Austrians. Boring.

The Fast Forward turned into a dud for Jason & Amy with the strong wind making bungee jumping impossible.

The most entertaining part of the episode was, at Marie's instigation, Tim & Marie stealing Jason & Amy's taxi. That resulted in some amusing verbal fisticuffs when both teams arrived at the Pit Stop mat at the same time.

Tim & Marie are now my favorite for the win. Marie is reality TV gold. And Tim is her funny good-natured  foil.  I also like the ER doctors, Travis & Nichole.  I really don't want the Afghanimals, Leo & Jamal, to win the million bucks, but I can see where it would be amusing if they did.

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