Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A New Improved Project Runway Is Back With Season 12

It seems like quite recently Project Runway Season 11 came to an end, because it was fairly recent, as in Michelle Franklin won Season 11 on April 25, beating the designer I wanted to win, that being the Native American from Taos, Patricia Michaels.

On Friday, July 19, I was surprised to see my DVR had recorded a new episode of Project Runway the night before. Huh? I wondered. Hadn't Project Runway just had a finale?

Well, time flies.

Project Runway Season 12 started up July 18. Now, 2 weeks in, so far, this is being an entertaining edition of Project Runway, with an amusing cast of characters, I mean, designers.

Project Runway is among my many guilty TV pleasures. I find it amusing watching the designers make something to wear, whilst working under stressful conditions, or with stressful material. Like the first episode of Season 12 where clothing had to be made from parachute material.

This new iteration of Project Runway has made several changes. I'll see if I can remember them.

One big change is rather than giving the designer's a set amount of money to spend on a challenge, they've been given a debit type account with $4,000 to spend how they want, through out the season.

Tim Gunn now sits with the judges, but not voting on the results.

The designs now come down the runway without the judges being told whose design they are looking at.

The judges now get close up to the top three and bottom three for a detailed examination, where before they only saw the designs from their judging seats. This close up exam has made for some amusing observations.

Another change is Project Runway has borrowed "The Save" from American Idol. Tim Gunn can save one designer, once during the season, from being told by Heidi Klum that they are out.

And speaking of Heidi Klum. Heidi seems to be somehow rejuvenated, more animated, more amusing, more feisty and even more good-looking, if that is possible.

Every time Heidi Klum uses the word "boobies" it causes me an  inner giggle.

There is a very goofy designer this season, first name Timothy.  A total fruitcake who is all about being green with fashion. He does not buy fabric at MOOD. He rummages through the MOOD trash. On the most recent episode the judges, particularly Heidi, were appalled at Timothy's weird design that did not allow for the use of a bra, which caused Zac Posen to comment something along the line that the design would be too prone to nipple slippage, with Heidi mentioning something about "boobies".

I don't think Timothy will be winning Project Runway Season 12.

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