Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Venting Olympic NBC Disgust @ #NBCFAIL on Twitter

I doubt NBC had any idea their bad coverage of the London Olympics was going to get them hammered badly by social media, like Twitter, which has grown much more powerful since the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

After the horrendously bad way NBC covered the Opening Ceremony a Twitter hashtag of #mattlauershutup popped up. Apparently I am not the only one who found Lauer's commentary insipidly, intrusively, ignorantly boorish.

I imagine there is a Twitter #hashtag devoted to bashing the NBC Olympic coverage embarrassment named Ryan Seacrest, but I've not seen that one.

You can click the #nbcfail link below to read the latest Tweeted NBC laments. You will need to log in, which means you need a Twitter account, something which, apparently, the majority of humanity has.

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 Play it live and stop editing! Shouldn't have writers for live sport
Images of NBC’s promo of Missy Franklin winning her medal BEFORE the race was shown. 
Great info! RT : How an American Can Stream the BBC's Official Olympics Coverage and Overcome 
What's worse? The tanking by the badminton teams, or the tank job by ? Easy one, !!
Had enough of  spoilers? Susan created this petition about 
 is just pathetic. This is preposterous.  should be stripped of Games:  via 
I have a scathing comment on NBC's tape-delayed Olympic coverage but I'll post it 6 hours later for maximum RTs. 
In case you missed it, Australia is located in Central Europe according to . (It has been corrected now.)
Yes, NBC is currently cutting into soccer matches for commercials. Shameless. 
The truth about : "There's something insanely white-collar elitist media circle-jerkish about all this whining" 
Your tweets, their mercy. The   incident reminds us: we're all standing on someone else's platform
Al Roker just spoiled today's weather for me! DOES NBC HAVE NO SHAME??? 
How Americans can stream the BBC's official Olympics coverage and overcome   
Ryan Seacrest is the high fructose corn syrup of TV journalism. Ubiquitous and without any apparent benefit. 
It's great having a former Olympic athlete like Ryan Seacrest in this broadcast.  
NBC about its  fiasco: "We're not used to broadcasting things people actually want to watch":  
I'd say congrats Michael Phelps on 19 Olympic medals, but I haven't seen it happen yet, don't wanna jinx him 
NBC is failing to deliver comprehensive Olympic coverage on both TV & internet 
NBC on its  fiasco: "We're not used to broadcasting things people actually want to watch":  
How an American can stream the BBC's official Olympics coverage and overcome  
I can't wait to see NBC's replay of that boxing match in three days.
Will some media understand that  is not just about tape delay (which is pointless to complain about). The quality is horrendous.

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