Thursday, July 7, 2011

Flipping Out in San Francisco With Jeff's New Boyfriend Gage

I did not realize Season 5 of Flipping Out was starting up Wednesday night, til my DVR remembered I record that series and thus recorded it for me.

I was curious to see the current state of the Casa Vega Mexican Restaurant that we saw so much of in Season 4. But there was no mention made of Casa Vega. Did Jeff get fired from that project?

Jeff sold the house we've seen him living in for a couple seasons, I think the name was Valley Oaks. The new house is smaller, which Zoila is unhappy about because it gives her fewer places to hide from Jeffrey.

Jeff has added a business manager, I think that was the title, named Gage Edward. Gage is also Jeff's new boyfriend. Gage is 26 years old. Jeff was born in 1970.

Design Assistant, Sarah Berkman, appeared to have had some help in the makeover department. But her derriere is still way too big. And while the episode started off with Jeff seeming to be happy with Sarah's job performance, by the end of the episode there was talk between Jeff and Gage about the possible need to let Sarah find employment elsewhere.

Jeff's new boyfriend seems older than his 26 years.

Gage got Jeff a speaking gig in San Francisco. Jeff bristled at the planned meet and greet before the speech, but eventually agreed to it, but totally nixed the luncheon after the speech.

Then at the meet and greet the lady who was paying for Jeff's stay in San Francisco got on his case about nixing the luncheon. Jeff acted like this was all news to him.

This confused me.

In the end the lady called Jeff a "dick."

That is the "dick" confrontation taking place in the picture at the top, with boyfriend Gage trying to apologize.

I'm not sure, but I think "dick" may be a negative type pejorative term.

Jeff's speech went well, with the help of Jenni, who is no longer a full time employee, but apparently shows up because we've come to expect seeing Jenni on Flipping Out.

Trace is now a full time employee, stuck sitting next to Jeff, sharing a big desk. Trace was not happy with this arrangement.

Other than not finding out what happened with Casa Vegas, I enjoyed the first episode of Season 5 of Flipping Out.


  1. I too wondered about Casa Vega... no more free tacos for Jeff and Jenni! Speaking of Jenni, she was the "wedding planner" for Ashley and Tucker on the soap "The Young and the Restless". That appears to be why she's only a part-time employee of Jeff's. She's pursuing her other interests.

  2. Please find out what happened with Casa Vega!!
