Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dancing With The Stars: Mike Catherwood First to Leave the Ballroom

With the lowest scores last week and Monday night, it was not a shocking surprise that Mike Catherwood was asked to leave the tribal council area immediately, I mean, leave the ballroom on Tuesday night's Dancing with the Stars.

I had never heard of the "star" Mike Catherwood before he became a "star" on Dancing with the Stars.

Mike Catherwood is a "star" because he is a radio personality on a radio station with the call letters, KROQ. He is also on something called "Loveline" which he co-hosts with Celebrity Re-hab's Dr. Drew.

Dr. Drew was in the audience watching his co-host get low scores Monday night.

Mike Catherwood seemed to be an amusing guy. He took losing his chance to go home with the glittering disco ball trophy with good humor, saying something like he was honored to be in the Elite Loser's Club along with Kenny Mayne, Jeffrey Ross and the Hoff.

Mike Catherwood heaped praise upon his pro partner, Lacey Schwimmer, who also lost her chance to take the glittering disco ball trophy home for the first time.

My favorites, so far, are definitely Kirstie Alley. Plus the Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio. I did not know that Ralph Macchio had reproduced. His son looked to be about the age Ralph was when he was the Karate Kid. The kid's name was Daniel. Wasn't that also the Karate Kid's name?

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