Thursday, February 3, 2011

Top Chef All Stars: Tre Wilcox Packs His Knives & Goes While Antonia Wins With Mussels

Watching Wednesday night's latest episode of Top Chef All Stars I was sure we were finally going to get Mike Isabella of our TV screens. Instead it was the much less annoying Tre Wilcox who had to pack his knives and go for bad risotto.

Risotto gets so many TV chefs in trouble. risotto is a regular woe on Hell's Kitchen. I don't know that I have ever had risotto.

Apparently Tre messed up his risotto real bad. Did not cook the rice right and then drowned it with other stuff.

Isabella made pasta, from scratch, badly. And then undercooked it. Apparently it was his sauce that saved him.

Mike Isabella is sort of amusing. He is so ridiculously cocky. Makes rude remarks about what the others make, like Antonia's mussels and Tiffany's polenta, while both were among the favorites of the night, along with Carla and Fabio.

Antonia's mussels were the winning dish. Which really annoyed Isabella.

And then what is further amusing about Mike Isabella is his confidence is so fragile. He puts on a big act of confidence while his inner voice is telling him he totally mucked it up. He was so sure he had this challenge nailed, what with him being Italian and it being Italian food they were cooking.

With the cooking taking place in a famed New York City restaurant called Rao's, that I'd never heard of til last night. Apparently it is impossible to get a reservation at Rao's. The place has only 10 tables, with each table only doing one seating per night. Regulars have ongoing reservations. If they can't make it they can send someone in their place. Seats get auctioned off. Apparently this is the way Tom Colicchio ate at Rao's his one and only time.

Richard Blais won the Quickfire Challenge and Immunity with black ice cream. The challenge was to make your dish look good, how it tasted was irrelevant.

Antonia Lafaso did not win anything extra for winning the Elimination Challenge. I like Antonia. She thinks it is time Mike Isabella gets told to pack his knives and go.


  1. Check out the Risotto one day at Taverna downtown (after the super bowl people leave).

    They have good lunch prices and good food deals during happy hour.

    Yummy. I hear the pizza is good there also.

  2. Thanks for the Risotto info cd0103. Must locate this Taverna place.
