Monday, February 21, 2011

The Amazing Race Unfinished Business Starts With The Cowboys Not Making It To The Pitstop

That is not the Cowboys, Jet & Cord McCoy running to the Pitstop on Sunday night's premiere of The Amazing Race Unfinished Business.

Jet & Cord were the only team that did not make it to the Pitstop.

The episode ended with "To Be Continued" with Jet being befuddled by a row of flags and a compass puzzle.

All the other teams made it to the Pitstop to be told by Phil that they were still racing.

Gary & Mallory came in first and got no cool prize. Just that Express Pass supposed advantage, that really had no effect on the last Amazing Race.

The race started at a Windmill Farm by Palm Springs. It was there I learned something new. I did not know that Quantas stood for "Queensland and Northern Territories Aerial Services." I like it when I learn something from one of my Reality TV Shows.

The first 8 teams to figure out Quantas got on the first flight out of LAX to Sydney, Australia, leaving 3 teams on the second flight, 90 minutes later. And with the last team to figure out Quantas, Amanda & Kris, having to do both detours at the first detour of the race.

I found it interesting the teams had to drive themselves from Palm Springs to LAX. Having done that drive I know it is a fairly long distance. But we saw no directional drama getting to the airport. Instead we were quickly in the air, with the plane in the lead, soon behind, due to an emergency stop in Honolulu.

So, the last plane to fly out of LAX was the first to land in Sydney, which had Kisha & Jen, Gary & Mallory and Amanda & Kris hurrying to find the Roadblock, where one team member had to don a wetsuit and swim with the sharks to find a compass.

Then the Roadblocker had to take the compass to a spot where there were 3 rows of flags and somehow use those flags and the compass to decipher "I am between the devil and the deep blue sea."

I was with Jet on this one. I could not figure it out. I told myself if I was actually there, in person, it may have made sense to me. Likely not though. Like Jet, I can be real dense at times.

I did not like it that very few of the teams actually figured out the clue, instead there was a lot of help given. Zev & Justin gave it to the Globetrotters, who, you know, would never have figured it out. Then Ron & Christina and Mel & Mike gave the clue to Luke & Margie and Jaime & Cara. Leaving Jet and Vyxsin clueless for awhile.

Then Jet thought he had it and took off to tell the Commodore some gibberish that was not even close. Even though Vyxsin had only partially solved the puzzle, she took off after Jet. The Cowboys returned to the flags, while Margie & Luke gave Vyxsin the clue.

I really think there should be a no helping rule in a challenge like this one. It sort of ruined it.

I was not being all that enamored, anyway, seeing all those recycled racers. The "Unfinished Business" intros at the start of the episode were quite lame.

I'll probably keep watching.

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