Sunday, February 27, 2011

83rd Annual Academy Awards With James Franco & Anne Hathaway Hosting

Tonight is the 83rd Annual Academy Awards Show. On ABC. Live, starting at 8 Eastern Time, 7 Central Time and 5 Pacific Time.

For the majority of my existence I've watched the Academy Awards while living in the Pacific Time Zone. For over a decade I've been in the Central Time Zone.

I prefer the Oscar Show starting at 5 and being over by 9. Rather than starting at 7 and lasting past 11.

I've not made it through an entire Academy Awards Show since I've been in the Central Time Zone.

I have seen none of the nominated movies. Not a single one. I do know that the King's Speech is about the stuttering father of the current Queen of England. And that Colin Firth is expected to be named the Best Actor.

Or maybe it will be James Franco for the movie where he hacked off his arm to rescue himself from a Utah rock.

Natalie Portman is the likely, supposedly, Best Actress frontrunner for playing a ballerina in Black Swan.

I think the remake of True Grit is a Best Picture nominee, with Jeff Bridges in the John Wayne role.

That's about it that I know about this year's movies.

James Franco and Anne Hathaway are the hosts for tonight's show. I don't think I've ever seen Anne Hathaway in a movie. I've seen several James Franco movies. It will be interesting how this pair does as hosts. A David Letterman level bomb? Or a Billy Crystal like surprise?

I'll give the show a half hour and hope it keeps my interest.

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