Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hell's Kitchen: Nona Beats Russell For The Win

Nona winning Hell's Kitchen makes two Reality TV Shows in a row where I am good with the winner. First Nat & Kat win The Amazing Race and now, extremely likable, if too heavily tattooed, Nona, wins Hell's Kitchen, beating the annoyingly overconfident Russell, getting a quarter million dollars and a job as head chef at the new LA Market restaurant in downtown Los Angeles.

Hell's Kitchen winners do not last long at the restaurants they win a job at. So, visit the LA Market soon if you want a chance at seeing Nona in action. I'm sure the lines will be long.

In the end, Russell was a very sore loser, blaming losing on the team of booted chefs he'd picked to help him with his final dinner service.

Russell said he'd see to it that none of them would ever work in his town. Giving us yet one more example of how it was he motivated his helpers to be less than helpful.

The start of the finale episode was amusing, with Ramsay taking Nona and Russell on a helicopter ride to the top of a building, making them think they'd be skydiving to the crowd below.

I always find the Hell's Kitchen finales to be very entertaining, in an over the top, overly dramatic way. The cooking in front of the cheering crowd to see who had the best dishes and thus got to have the first pick of who was to be their helpers, was a good example of the over the top-ness of a Hell's Kitchen finale.

Chef Gordon Ramsay was very complimentary towards the crestfallen Russell after Russell lost. Which really made not a lot of sense to me.

I don't know when the next Hell's Kitchen starts up. But, when it does, I'll be watching.

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