Thursday, September 9, 2010

Top Chef D.C.: Kelly Packs Her Knives & Goes From Singapore

Ed may a self-described douchebag, at least regarding how he treats Angelo, but he is one big douchebag on a roll, winning both the Quickfire and Elimination Challenges. Again.

After their arrival in Singapore, Kelly, Ed, Angelo and Kevin eventually met up with Tom Colicchio and some famous Singapore foodie who's name I could not possibly be expected to remember. The Singaporean took the chefs on a tour of Singapore street food.

And then they came to Padma, at the end of a long day of flying and eating. Padma gave the four 30 minutes to cook their version of Singapore street food. This was a super high states Quickfire. No money, but for the first time in Top Chef Final Four history, the Quickfire winner got immunity from elimination.

Everyone assumed Asian oriented Angelo would have this nailed. But, Ed beat Angelo. Again.

For the Elimination Challenge the 4 had to work as a team to feed 80 people at some event held by some well-know lady in the food business. Again, I don't remember the name. But, I'm sure she is famous.

The dinner was to be done restaurant style, as in waiters took orders and the chefs cooked the orders as they came in.

The night before the four decided to each do one dish. The next day Ed told the camera that he was making a 2nd dish. Then Colicchio arrived, all appalled the chefs were only doing one dish each, with Ed chiming in that he was already doing 2. So, now the other 3 had to whip out a 2nd dish.

There was an awful lot of unseemly sweating going on with all that pressure, particularly from Ed, who really had now pressure, because he had immunity.

The chefs worked real well together in the kitchen, there were some communication problems with the order takers and food deliverers. But other than that it was a way smoother dinner service than you ever see on Hell's Kitchen.

In the end Ed came out the winner, again, at Judges' Table.

Back in the stew room Angelo was sure he was out, due to comments made about his soup. Then the 3 were back at the firing line. Angelo lost his composure, so sad, due to being so sure, he was out. Then Kelly got the boot which really got Angelo sobbing. Angelo did not, til then, seem like a sobbing type of guy to me. Just like his food, he has layers of complexity that make him interesting. And just a tad weird.

Then the 3 finalists, Kevin, Ed and Angelo relaxed for a second before Padma shows up to tell them there is one more thing, and they need to see them back at Judges' Table.

From the previews I'm guessing what Padma has to tell them is that they have a group of former Top Chef chefs to choose from as helpers, like a heavily tattooed Voltaggio brother.

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