Monday, July 26, 2010

The Bachelorette: The Men Tell All Tonight

I believe tonight is the infamous Men Tell All episode of The Bachelorette.

This is when all the rejects, or those who had to leave due to having girl friends, like Canadian Justin, and Frank, show up to discuss the important issues regarding their failed romance with the current Bachelorette, the lush who goes by the name of Ali Fedotowsky.

I am sure the show's producers will make sure cocktails are flowing freely so the boys get into free-spirited feisty mode.

I'm also sure much fun will be made of that goofy weatherman guy out of Houston, who's name I forget, and that pathetic "guard Ali's heart" guy. I think his name was Casey.

I've read that neither Justin or Frank show up to tell all. I've also read that they do show up, due to being contractually obligated to do so. Justin getting grilled would be the amusing one. Frank, not so much.

I'm assuming Ali will get liquored up and make an appearance, slur some words, be obtuse about next week's most dramatic ending in the history of the show. And then be gone.

I'll likely be watching. If I remember, with the DVR giving me a headstart so I can make liberal use of the fast forward button.

1 comment:

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