Monday, June 21, 2010

The Real Housewives of New York City: The Kelly Bensimon Problem & Jill Zarin's Continuing Madness

The just completed 3rd season of The Real Housewives of New York City is a gift that just keeps giving. Kelly Bensimon continues to cluelessly cement her crazy girl reputation in a variety of ways. With one being Kelly's Twitter Tweets. Or, what she calls "sound bites."

On the 3rd hour of the reunion Kelly's tweets came up, to which Jill reacted with an "oh no, not Kelly's tweets." Andy Cohen inquired as to the why of Jill's "oh no." To which Jill replied something like "Kelly's tweets make no sense, I can't understand them."

In the past week Kelly twittered a series of tweets that when compiled together in a sort of paragraph seem to be saying she is working with Bravo to find new housewives.

This is what Kelly said....

"I am def coming back if they change the cast. Dynasty with no money or power is over ah? No. Its called bored with filming with fake "reality stars," ahh hello. Are we not watching the same show! I am helping them find real Yorkers who inspire, not made for tv "faux celebs." Whats wrong with life being rainbows and jellybeans? thats the best kind of life to live. We cant all be bitter and materialistic."

Regarding Bravo and who will be a New York City Housewife one viewer opined with the following...

"Well, it's gonna be interesting to see how the negotiations go and who returns. I suspect they will all be asked back except for maybe Kelly. I'm not sure bravo wants that liability on their hands, but than again I'm sure they will weigh the negative against the possible ratings bonanza and decide. It seems to me that if it was as bad in St. John as they say, and bravo chose not to air a lot of the footage, they must know they've got a problem they may not be able to handle and will choose to cut Kelly loose.

I'm kind of on the fence about Luann. I'm not sure she brings a lot to the table, but they may keep her so Jill will have a sidekick since Jen didn't seem to work out. But, who knows, Bravo might give Jen another shot. I think they may be trying to figure out who to keep, Jen or Luann.

Jill will definitely be back. I think she'd do it for free if they asked her. She's on a mission to rehabilitate herself and win back her once adoring fans. They know Jill is ratings gold.

I think Alex has secured her spot and they know Jill and Alex on the same show will be what everybody wants to see.

Sonja has become very popular in a short period of time. She's a shoe in.

I think Bethenny has an open spot if she decides to return. I'm sure bravo is trying to shore up some kind of deal with her as well.

I left out Ramona. Of course she'll be back, that's a given."

Now, I agree with the above viewer about Kelly Bensimon. And, near as I can tell, most viewers agree. It was entertaining watching a person gradually make obvious that they are mentally ill or suffer from some serious psychological disorder. But, after this turned, well, borderline tragic, in St. John, well, at that point it turned into uncomfortable viewing.

With the uncomfortable viewing continuing through the reunion shows.

I don't see how Bravo can continue to film Kelly Bensimon, unless it is in a new show where we see her getting therapy from Dr. Phil or Dr. Drew. Or some other doctor. It is not an option to continue to film and display Kelly's serious disconnect from reality. Which really is ironic, it being a reality show, afterall.


Change of subject to Jill. This is another housewife in dire need of therapy. Perhaps Jill should also be removed from RHONY. Maybe Jill and Kelly could do a show together. Jill & Kelly Get Help! That'd be a catchy title.

Jill Zarin is currently in full pit bull attack mode against sweet, totally non-toxic Alex McCord. Remember when Jill had her lunch with Bethenny and told Bethenny that Alex was toxic, and that Bethenny had not seen the toxic side of Alex.

Remember that all Alex really did was shove some reality in Jill's homely mug, telling Jill that she was in high school and a mean girl.

So, what does Jill, who wakes up each day trying to be a better person, do? Jill now directs her mean girl, high school act directly at Alex. Once more Jill is totally miscalculating and is only digging herself deeper into the Reality TV Star Hall of Infamous Villains.

One viewer characterized the Jill problem rather succinctly...

"Nothing can be Jill's fault. She can't attack Bethenny, since that didn't work for her.

Alex and Bethenny hang out. Alex was welcome at the hospital after the birth. Alex gave Bethenny a baby shower. Alex is on Bethenny's show. Alex attended Bethenny's wedding. Alex is getting air time. Alex, Ramona, and Bethenny continue to call each other and hang out together.

Jill is jealous and furious that she isn't getting the Bethenny-glow fall out and extra TV time, and that Alex is.

Also? Alex stood up to her, called her a mean girl in high school, and told her to shut up, she was speaking.

As usual, Jill's evil plans are backfiring, because her feud with Alex is making Alex MORE valuable to Bravo.

I think Jill's a hater. She has to have someone to blame for whatever isn't her way or anything else under the sun.

Jill's probably done it her whole life. She probably learned it from her mother, Gloria. Jill never stopped hating - she just transferred the hate from Bethenny to Alex.

I think Jill thrives on negative energy, instead of positive energy. Many people do. She should see a doctor and take Kelly with her."

Okay, that's all for now about Kelly Bensimon and Jill Zarin and their depraved, demented, disgusting dealings.

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