Monday, June 14, 2010

The Bachelorette: No Rose for Weatherman Jonathon

I know I said I would not watch The Bachelorette. But, with a DVR you can zip through two hours of train wreck and watch the good parts of the wreck.

Like this lamebrain, embarrassing guy named Kasey.

Ali is taking her boys around the world. So, they left Los Angeles. For New York City. Where Ali took the twit, Kasey, on a helicopter ride around the city, ending at the New York City museum that has dinosaurs. Name escapes me.

Well, Kasey is one very awkward boy. Ali did not like how corny he was and how insincere he sounded. Twice this moron broke into song. And not at all in a good way. In the end Ali did not give him one of those single date special roses. But, she did not send him home. And in the end, in the big rose deal, she did give him a rose.

I forgot to mention, Kasey repeated over and over again something about shielding Ali's heart. After Ali doubted his sincerity, Kasey snuck out of the boy's dorm and got himself a tattoo on his wrist of a heart being shielded. Kasey was convinced this would prove to Ali how sincere he is. Like I said, this boy is a total dope. In the end, he didn't get around to showing Ali the tattoo.

And then there was the Weatherman, Jonathon, from Houston. This boy is so clueless, a little shrimp of a guy, shorter then Ali. He was just so sure he was so connected with this girl. Even though they spent no time together and the few moments they do spend together he is so nervous it's not pretty to watch. And then he, like Kasey, thought he'd seal the deal by strumming a guitar and singing Ali a song that he wrote. This at the cocktail party before she boots some boys home.

I'm not gonna get into the annoyingly long Lion King contrivance that had Roberto naked and flying through the air with Ali. Suffice to say, this show should not be 2 hours long.

Next week they are off to Iceland. Apparently causing a volcano to erupt.

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