Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Bachelorette: Ali Leaves Kasey Stranded on an Iceland Glacier

With nothing else to watch on Monday night, despite me saying never again, I am finding myself fast forwarding through Monday night's 2 hour The Bachelorette.

Last night Ali booted 2 guys. The one who got booted at the sacred Rose Ceremony totally botched being able to speak when he was finally alone with Ali. This was the first I remember him speaking at all. I don't remember his name, that is how memorable he was.

The other bootee was the delusional Kasey, he with an odd stalker-like demeanor that seemed completely disconnected from reality. Kasey showed Ali the tattoo he'd gotten in New York, sure it would show Ali his extreme sincerity. Instead, the tattoo showed Ali Kasey's extreme insanity.

Ali flew the guys from New York City to Iceland. You would think in Iceland there would be limited swimming suit opportunities. That turned out to not be the case when Ali whipped off her clothes and dove into a big hot springs. The boys soon followed.

I think there was a one on one date, details of which I do not remember, except the guy on the date got a rose.

And then there was a group date out on the ice. They had to go into a hole in the ice. I think it was the guy named Ty who rose to the challenge by being helpful and thus got a rose.

The formerly crippled Justin, now out of his cast, and hapless Kasey, went on a double date, or whatever you call it, knowing that one would get a rose and the other would go home.

A helicopter took Ali, Justin and Kasey to a glacier. Some hiking took place with Ali leading the boys to the most ridiculously contrived setting yet. An ice cave, with ice furniture, candles and all sorts of accouterments. Justin behaved well. Kasey was embarrassing.

Then Ali led the boys from the ice cave, hiking across the glacier, when suddenly Ali gave Justin a rose and Kasey the boot. The helicopter was magically there. Justin and Ali flew away, leaving long-suffering Kasey alone on the glacier somewhere in the wilds of Iceland.

We saw no more of Kasey. I assume he made it safely off the glacier.

Previews for next week sort of confirm, to me, that this show is scripted by very unimaginative writers, recycling the same plots. Currently we have Justin being this season's Vienna. And next week we have one of the guys shocking, absolutely shocking, Ali, who discovers, oh the horror, he has a girl friend.

This will be the 3rd time in a row we have seen this plot device. When Jillian was The Bachelorette it was Wes who had a girl friend. Or two. When Jake was The Bachelor it was Rozlyn (or is it Roslyn) who had an affair with one of the show's producers.

And now one of Ali's guys has himself a girl back home.

Now. I may be totally off here, but it seems unrealistic, to me, to think that these guys, ranging from the early 20s to the 30s, would be girl friend free. I mean, they might not be in a committed type relationship, but it would seem to me that most of them must have a friend or two, of the girl gender, who they might call up on a Saturday night to ask if she's busy.

Anyway, I need to hunt harder to find something to watch on Monday night.

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