Thursday, May 6, 2010

Survivor Heroes vs. Villains: Candice & Danielle Voted Off the Tribe

Well, Russell was in full King Russell mode tonight. Two tribal councils, two voted out of the tribe.

Old Man Colby (oops, Russell) gave up in the first Immunity Challenge in less than a minute, as soon as Probst brought out a temptation under a lid. Colby (oops, Russell) pulled a bucket of colored water over himself before he even knew it was cookies and milk.

So did Sandra.

Parvati won the bucket challenge. A clue to a Hidden Immunity Idol was read. Back at camp the scramble was on. Sandra found it. No one knows Sandra found it.

Rupert faked Russell into thinking Rupert had it, including a feigned, almost gonna use it, move at Tribal Council. Danielle ended up being voted out.

Before the next Immunity Challenge there was some tension between Russell and Parvati. Russell told the viewers that he was about to re-take control of the game. And then proceeded to do so by winning the Immunity Challenge.

Russell then manipulated Danielle and Parvati, planting seeds of doubt as to their trustworthiness. Then he worked Colby and Rupert and Jerri.

At Tribal Council Russell continued to fluster Danielle, to the point of driving her to tears and stupidly admitting the strength of her alliance with Parvati, to which Russell turned to Jerri and mouthed "Danielle." As in, vote for Danielle.

Jerri proceeded to do as she was told and Danielle was booted out of the tribe, just like King Russell wanted, with Parvati saying, "This is so messed up."

Previews show Russell convincing Colby and Rupert to join the dark side, in an alliance with him. If Jerri stays on board, Russell stays in control.

But, just like Russell's Samoa Survivor, he is being a great manipulator, but he sucks at the social game. As in, who up against him, in the final, would not win? Just like what happened to him the last time. What was her name? Natalie? That is how unmemorable the final winner was, I don't remember her name. But I do remember the jury had an anyone but Russell for the win mindset.

Great with Sandra finding the Hidden Immunity Idol. Sandra is a really good Survivor player, in every aspect, except for sucking at challenges.


  1. Hello there.Just to correct your first paragraph...It was Russell and Sandra who stepped out of the challenge for the first minute for cookies and milk.Colby was the third person who stepped out for coffee and peanut butter and jelly...

  2. PoopyPOH, you need to rewatch the episode. It was Colby and Sandra who opted out first, without even knowing what was on the covered tray.

  3. Durango, you need to watch it again.

    Was clearly Russel and Sandra that stepped off first.

    Colby stepped off for Donuts and Iced Coffee. Tried to avoid the paint but got some on his arm (green)

  4. Well, upon further review, it appears PoopPOH & Matt are correct, it was Russell and Sandra who opted out, without knowing what they were opting out for, in less than a minute, ending up sharing cookies and milk. Colby opted out next, for donuts.
