Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The End Of LOST & 24, One Jack Dies, One Jack Lives

Sunday night the last LOST episode aired. Monday night the last 24 episode aired. In one the Jack character dies, in the other the Jack character lives to fight another day.

In the Battle of the Finales, for me, 24 was a much better closing act than what LOST came up with.

Now, I enjoyed watching the final LOST.


I thought promises were made that LOST mysteries would be explained. That did not really much happen.

And I thought, way back when, early on with LOST, that the creators clearly said that the explanation was not that they were all already DEAD. Now, I may be somewhat imagination challenged, but isn't that basically what it came down to?

But, dead from the start? Killed in the first plane crash? Or later. Who knows? What about the season ender that had the Oceanic 6 getting off the island? But, then, if you start down the path of asking questions, you've given up on suspending disbelief, which is what you basically agree to do when you start watching an imagination epic like LOST.

Now, with 24, a suspension of disbelief is also required. But, I've always found that easy to do with 24. The thrill ride has always been so entertaining. The ending seemed perfect to me. We sort of had a plotline resolution. President Taylor wised up in the end. Chloe came to Jack's rescue. Again. Convincing Jack not to do a really bad thing, talking him out of assassinating the Russian president.

And once more we see Jack walk off into the sunset, pretty much a fugitive, with Chloe promising to look out for him.

There seemed to be plenty of unresolved plot to give 24: The Movie a good start. Punishing the Russians for their bad behavior. Then there is that peace agreement with Dalia Hassan's IRK, or whatever it is called, country, that still needs to happen.

And. President Logan bungled killing himself? He survives? Will he be a vegetable? Or an even better villain?

I can't remember the last time I went to a movie. I'd be tempted to see 24 on the big screen. If the reviews are good.

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