UPDATE: Jet & Cord come in 2nd. Dan & Jordan 1st to the finish line in Candlestick Park.
The cowboys, Jet & Cord better come in 1st on Sunday or it'll be another bad ending of The Amazing Race.
It will be a particularly bad ending if the dumb models, Brent & Caite win.
Less bad if Dan & Jordan win. Though I did find Dan & Jordan's meltdowns, in Shanghai, to be embarrassing and annoying, with both of them losing it in frustration in a taxi. And with Jordan losing it over the simple detour task of looking for his name on a ink stamp carving.
But the worst is Brent & Caite. Over and over and over again Caite's goes on about how she's proven to the world, by her imaginary stellar Amazing Race performance, that she is not the moronic idiot she showed herself to be in her infamous beauty pageant "such as" answer to a question.
Pretty much every time Caite reminds us how highly intelligent she really is, she does, or says, something stupid. Like, while looking for ink stamps Brent desperately needs a potty break. He is in such misery he can't concentrate. He tells Caite over and over again he needs to go to the bathroom.
Due to the rules, both have to be within a set distance of their cameraman, so, Brent could not take off by himself to find a restroom.
Eventually dimwit Caite figured out that it was hurting their effort to have Brent not concentrating, so she relented and let him have his bathroom break.
The detectives, Michael & Louis, over and over again bragged about what great detectives they were, only to be shown failing in an epic way. Like teaming with Dan & Jordan to look for the Water Bridge, with Michael saying he'd be able to detect it from on high. Then spying some random clothes and thinking they might be hiding the clue.
And Michael & Louis having trouble finding their ink stamps. They did do well at the Speed Bump, though. It didn't involve any sleuthing, just throwing coins in a hole.
Cord & Jet struggled a bit this episode. Communicating with the Chinese was a challenge for all the teams. Cord & Jet and Brent & Caite got the Pitstop clue at about the same time. It appeared that Cord & Jet got to the Pitstop location in 1st place, but then went the wrong direction on the boardwalk, while Brent & Caite went the correct direction and came in 1st.
Next week it appears the final destination city is San Francisco. Rumors abound on the internet that something happens of a confrontational sort at the race's end. Not between the Final 3, but between eliminated racers waiting for the Final 3.
Or maybe it will be something do to with one of the Final 3 teams. Something between Caite and her arch enemies, Carol & Brandy, the girl's nasty Caite calls the Mean Lesbians?
No, even worse is having the ethically-challenged gay brothers win. Slimy. Worst season ever based on the results.