Friday, April 16, 2010

Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains--Episode 9, Courtney Out, JT Gives Russell the Idol

Well, when this latest iteration of Survivor started up I was not all that enamored of yet one more All-Star type version. With so many people wanting the chance to be on Survivor, letting some back on for their 3rd time, just seemed wrong.

However, the Heroes vs. Villains have turned out to be quite entertaining.

I sort of figured that the previews were likely edited misdirection and that the Hero JT would not actually give the Villain, Russell, his Hidden Immunity Idol.

I was wrong.

And it all turned out to be funnier than anticipated. Once the Heroes' tribe was convinced by JT that giving Russell the Idol was a good move, remarks were made about them making Survivor History.

They ended up being correct about that, but not in the way they were hoping.

Then again, maybe, somehow, giving Russell JT's Hidden Immunity Idol will work in the Heroes favor. I somehow doubt it.

Amanda tried to warn the Heroes that they really did not know what was going on on the Villains Tribe, that their assumption that an All Girl Alliance was taking out the Boys might be all wrong, that for all they know Russell is in charge. They should have listened to Amanda.

The pass off to Russell of the Hidden Immunity Idol seemed very odd. Almost staged. First off, we had Colby and Russell the last out in the water on floating docks. So, Colby was able to tell Russell to go to JT after the Heroes won the Immunity Challenge so JT could give him something.

Russell was quite pleased, as well he should be, that Hidden Immunity Idols keep falling into his lap, with little effort. In the post Hero win celebration, JT easily slipped Russell the Idol, along with a very long note, which later Parvati read to Russell, along with amusing embellishments.

My favorite part of the note to Russell was in addition to all the precise instructions, was the last one, which told Russell to destroy the note after reading it. Like the Survivor version of Mission Impossible.

What Russell did not know, because his ally, the sneaky self-proclaimed Queen of the Jungle, Parvati, did not tell him, was that Parvati had discovered a Hidden Immunity Idol Clue in her napkin while at the bizarre beachside Outback Steakhouse. Later, with Russell on the prowl, but not suspecting the girls were up to anything, Parvati and Danielle found the Hidden Immunity Idol.

So, now Russell's Girl Alliance has 2 Immunity Idols. While the Heroes now have none. Thanks to JT.

Next week looks fun. After the tribes merge, Sandra spills the beans to Rupert about the myth of the Villains' All Girl Alliance.

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