Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dancing With The Stars: Pamela Anderson Gets Judges Praise With Low Scores & Warnings About Wardrobe Malfunctions

Dancing With The Stars would not be watchable, for me, without the DVR fast forward function.

Last night's duo scores for Technical and Performance, seemed, to me, like just more filler to stretch the show out to 2 hours.

I was really annoyed after Pamela Anderson's really good, meaning, I guess, really sexy, Rhumba.

The Judges heaped praise, universally, on Pamela's Rhumba.

And then proceeded to give her not so good scores.

I did not get it.

I have never watched Pamela Anderson on Baywatch, or any other show she's been on, except for her home movies with ex-husband Tommy Lee. I figured she'd be a dumb blonde ditz stumble bum dancer.

Instead, Pamela Anderson seems really smart, funny, self-possessed and just really nice. I suppose you might throw sexy in there with those other descriptors.

I like her. I would not have guessed that would have been reaction upon exposure to her. I would have guessed my reaction would have been like when I was first exposed to Britney Spears, via Britney's reality show, as in, I was repulsed by that embarrassing trailer trash girl.

And, now this morning, as if the bizarre low scoring was not enough bad Pamela news, I learned the producers of Dancing With The Stars are giving Pamela Anderson a hard time about her dancing costumes, fearing a Janet Jackson type wardrobe malfunction.

Oh, yes, that would be a National Tragedy.

The Producers supposedly gave Pamela a list of costume requirements, telling her that she must make her costume designs more modest, or at least wear a bra and pasties.

Did Pamela get that memo before last night's show? Because last night's costume made Pamela appear to be naked with a white sheet flimsily wrapped around her. Pussycat Dolls dancer, Nicole Scherzinger, was also skimpily white-sheeted. I wonder if she got the Producer memo about modesty?

And what about pro dancer, Edyta Śliwińska? She seems to be the Queen of Skimpy, including last night.

Anyway, Pamela Anderson better not be in the Bottom Two tonight, due to last night's low scores.

Not that I cared enough to vote.

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