Monday, April 12, 2010

The Amazing Race 16: Episode 9: Dan & Jordan Fast Forward to Pitstop, Brent & Caite U-Turn Carol & Brandy

Dumb & Nasty Mean Beauty Queen Caite and her equally Bone-Headed boy friend, Brent, U-Turned Carol & Brandy, who the Dumb & Bone-Headed referred to, constantly, as the Mean Lesbians. This ended Carol & Brandy's run on The Amazing Race.

As Carol & Brandy, full names, Carol Rosenfeld & Brandy Snow, neared Phil, on their way to elimination at the Pitstop, Brandy was letting loose with some choice vitriol directed at the Nasty Mean Beauty Queen, including the suggestion that YouTube be used to view the Mean Beauty Queen's infamously idiotic answer to being asked why she thought so many Americans could not locate the United States on a map.

Brent & Caite's full names are Brent Horne & Caite Upton.

I'd not heard Caite's special Beauty Pageant Moment before. I now have. I took Brandy's suggestion and found a YouTube video. She is even dumber than I realized. Over 47 million people have viewed this moment of historically significant idiocy.

Brother's Dan & Jordan Pious provided some amusement as they Fast Forwarded to the top of the Singapore Flyer, it being the tallest ferris type wheel in the world. Jordan is mortified of heights, but he manned it up and crawled from one Flyer pod to the next, from the highest point, 541 feet above the ground.

I must say, Singapore is looking really good. The Amazing Race did a much better job this time at giving viewers a good look at Singapore.

Like I said, the Mean & Nasty kids U-Turned Carol & Brandy, which made them have to do the Ice Cream Sandwich Detour after successfully completed the Boring Drum Detour.

The Sandwich & Drums were followed with a boring Roadblock where the links on an anchor chain had to be counted. First to the Roadblock was Brent & Caite. Brent chose to count. I was sure there was no way he'd be able to count to 521. But he did. On the first try. As did all the teams.

This made the Mean Nasty Pair second to the Pitstop, after completing one more task, that being riding the Mega Zip on Sentosa Island. The 1,200 foot long zipline looked fun.

The McCoy boys, Jet & Cord, made it to the Pitstop in 3rd, after riding the Mega Zip without their cowboy hats, which then mysteriously showed up as soon as they were finished zipping.

The annoying, supposed Rhode Island detectives, Michael Naylor & Louie Stravato, came in 4th.

That left Carol & Brandy in last and eliminated.

Before previews of the next episode, Jet & Cord did a promo for the Country Music Awards Show, next Sunday, thus putting off The Amazing Race for 2 weeks.

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