Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dancing With The Stars For Pamela Anderson's Aunt Vie

I did not realize the latest iteration of Dancing With The Stars was starting up last night til I turned on my TV and checked to see what the DVR had recorded for me and saw that it was recording Dancing With the Stars.

About 45 minutes had been recorded, so I figured I'd watch til enough of 24 had been recorded to switch to watching 24.

Dancing With The Stars seems to have amped it up a bit. The stage, or set, or whatever you call it, seems a bit more glitzy.

Replacing the annoying Samantha Harris with the less annoying Brooke Burke seems like a real good improvement.

Judge Len Goodman seemed particularly judgemental and cranky, giving low scores. He was even cranky with the last dancer of the night, Pamela Anderson. I thought she'd be embarrassing to watch and in train wreck mode. Instead, well, I re-watched her dancing several times. I do not recollect doing that before.

Tom Bergeron was doing some swooning over Pamela, saying something about reverting to being a 15 year old boy.

Seeing recent Bachelor, Jake Pavelka, was unpleasant. I can't quite identify why. Wife to be, Vienna, was in the audience. Jake seemed very relieved to learn his partner was Chelsie, due, I assume, to she being the only professional shorter than he.

Shannon Doherty was a surprise. She didn't come across as a bad girl at all. A little pudgy and a bit worse for wear from her glory days. But, she seemed to do dancing well to my un-trained eyes.

Let's see if I can remember anything else that left an impression.

Oh, Shannon was dancing to please her daddy, while Pamela was dancing to please her dancing machine Aunt Vie. That is Aunt Vie in the picture at the top. I assume Aunt Vie is Canadian. You see jet black-haired old Canadian women, like Aunt Vie, if you hang out in the Vancouver zone.

The moon walker, Buzz Aldrin, looks darn good at 80. Rather spry with the dancing too, but of course the judges judged him harshly.

Edyta is paired with a TV soap star from the UK, who I had never heard of. I don't remember his name. All I remember was being interested in the outfit Edyta was barely wearing.

Kate Goeslin, she being the mother of a lot of kids on a TLC show I've never watched, did not seem to be having a whole lot of fun. Who is looking after all those kids while their mom dances, I could not help but wonder.

A figure skater, first name, Evan, won the Gold at the recent Vancouver Winter Olympics, which I did not watch, hence not knowing anything about Evan, including remembering his last name. Well, he seemed to take to the dancing, well. Apparently there had been some talk that it was unfair to have a figure skater in the dancing competition, like he was a ringer, or something. But, Evan made quite a fuss over it being totally different, with figure skating you rotate in the opposite direction of ballroom dancing. This drastic alteration wreaked havoc with Evan's balance til he got the hang of it.

There does not, currently, seem to be anyone dancing who is annoying on the level of last season's winner, Donny Osmond. If Jake Pavelka does not quickly get the boot he has potential to be annoying.

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