Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Curbing My Enthusiam for Suvivor Redemption: Heroes vs. Villians & Colby
I have not been much enjoying Survivor Redemption: Heroes vs. Villains. I don't remember some of the Heroes and Villains or why they were Heroic or Villainous.
My enthusiasm was pretty much curbed on the first episode when that Sugar Hero girl was so annoying and un-heroic and got kicked out of her tribe after keeping everyone awake with her constant babbling and chasing Colby Donaldson all over camp.
Speaking of Colby, if you don't remember what Colby looked like before his hair got hit by the recession, watch the above video of a clip of Colby playing himself on HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm. He is very funny and seems to be being a good actor. Then again, he is playing himself, so how hard can that be?
The villain, Russell Hantz, is really being a dumb ass and showing how it was that he did not win Survivor Samoa. In that he is totally lacking in the social game part. The Villains get the Hidden Immunity Idol clue and all agree not to hunt for it. What does Russell do? Puts a huge bullseye on his back by going off to hunt for the idol, trying to repeat his Hidden Immunity Idol glory from Survivor Samoa.
Some of the Heroes have been acting like Villains, frustrated at constantly losing. James, who was a bit Heroic, previously, is seeming particularly Villainous, as in very cranky. I suspect due to his size he has very high caloric needs and is extra grumpy due t being extra hungry.
And what is up with Jeff Probst being way too prosecutorial at the tribal councils, almost as if he is leading the witnesses. A big no no in a court room.
Colby is the only Survivor I have ever seen in person, signing books at a sporting goods store. In person I was surprised by how big his head was, sitting on top of almost non-existent shoulders.
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