Monday, March 1, 2010

The Bachelor's Final Rose Goes To Vienna With Jake On Dancing With The Stars & Allie The Next Bachelorette

Yes, that is Jake down on one knee, slipping a ring onto Vienna's finger after he declared his never dying devotion, asking Vienna to marry him.

Previous to seeing Vienna win the big prize we saw Tenley get the silver. Tenley did not take it too well, but the theme seemed to be that she'd be okay, because Jake had taught her she could love again.

And previous to that we got to listen in on a very strange moment, on a boat, between Jake and Tenley as Jake tried to explain what was lacking in their relationship. Near as I could understand it Jake thought he had great emotional chemistry with Tenley. Whatever that is. The sexual chemistry was fine. But he was dby the lack of physical chemistry.

Now, I am not a huge student of this area of the chemistry science, but I always thought sexual chemistry and physical chemistry were the same thing.

Jake seems like a confused boy.

I found Jake's family to be a piece of work. Oddly, in a couple shots, Jake's mom sort of resembled an older version of Vienna, with a few pounds added and short, curly hair.

Jake is such a wild man, he verbalized his concern, to his mom, that he'd held back, with Tenley, in showing her his wild side. Like shoving her into a pool unexpectedly. So, later Jake and Tenley jumped into a pool with their clothes on, soon followed by most of Jake's family.

I DVRed the finale of The Bachelor. When I caught up to the present moment, I switched over to 24. After 24 I finished with Jake and his girls. I did not realize there was an After The Final Rose show. I should have remembered. My DVR should have remembered.

Well, I had had too much Bachelor, anyway, and would not have wanted to sit through another hour. Even with the FF button. I do wonder, though, what the current status is of the Jake/Vienna love affair, what with all the nasty bad stuff that's been in the tabloids about Vienna.

I'll likely be easily able to find out whatever juicy stuff, if any, was squeezed out of the likely bloated After The Final Rose show, in the morning.

UPDATE: At the After The Final Rose show it was revealed that the girl who left Jake to go back to work, Allie, is now quitting her job to be the next The Bachelorette.

It gets worse. It was also announced, as promised, who the final dancer on Dancing With The Stars will be. I thought it had to be a joke, but, apparently it is true. More Jake Pavelka on your TV screen. Dancing. But not on mine. I won't be watching either Dancing With The Stars or The Bachelorette. My resolve may change for DWTS.

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