Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Amazing Race 16th Edition Starts Tonight With Oklahoma Cowboys

That is a pair of Oklahoma Cowboy brothers who will be racing tonight on the start of the 16th season of The Amazing Race.

Seems like we just ended The Amazing Race, in Las Vegas, at Wayne Newton's home. And now we are already back racing again.

I'm guessing I'll be watching, though The Amazing Race has not seemed as amazing to me, as it did when it first came on my TV screen.

We start the race in Los Angeles again. This seems to now be the default starting place. I hope we don't start with someone being eliminated, before they even get started, again, like last season. I didn't like that.

One big difference, for the start of the race, is this time the racers will not be running to cars and driving themselves to LAX. This time the racers must make their way to LAX via public transportation. That should be very interesting, depending on where the starting point is. Los Angeles can be very confusing. I hope they are banned from using taxis.

The first leg of the race has them taking off from LA to Chile.

In addition to the Oklahoma cowboys we have another beauty queen, though this time not Miss America, this time it is a Miss South Carolina Teen USA, whatever that is, named Caite Upton. A Big Brother winner, Jordan Lloyd is racing. I quit watching Big Brother after that creepy Boogie guy won the All-Stars Big Brother, when he should never have been on the show, because he was not an All-Star, unless by All-Star, you mean, Big Creep.

I have no idea if Jordan Lloyd is a boy or girl. I guess I'll find out in a few hours.

There is also a pair of undercover detectives from Rhode Island racing. Now, I know nothing about undercover detectives, but it would seem to me that going on a popular TV show is not a great way to keep your cover.

I hope the 11 teams and the 40,000 miles raced are fun this time.

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