Monday, January 18, 2010

Jack's Back: New Day of 24 Starts Off With A Bang or Two

Sunday night's 2 hour start to a new day of 24 was the best opening in a long time, of 24, or so it seemed to me.

I like the new ultra-high tech CTU, which somehow has drones flying all over New York City sending back info to CTU, and which can launch anti-missile missiles. Well, in theory, last night's drone didn't manage to stop a rocket from blowing up a helicopter and a couple CTU agents.

Last season we did not see Chloe O'Brien til, it seemed, a few hours into the day. Last night Chloe was there from the start, trying to catch up with all the new high tech gadgetry and new software.

Of course, the new head of CTU is incompetent.

We first saw Jack Bauer in his apartment, taking care of his granddaughter who calls him Grandpa, but only after Jack told her to quit calling him Jack. Jack had decided to return to Los Angeles with Kim and her family.

But then, a few minutes into the day, Jack gets sucked into trying to thwart a plot to kill the leader of an Iran-like country, in America, to sign a treaty with America at the U.N.

President Taylor's husband divorced her, in a very nasty divorce, because he was mad at his wife for having their daughter prosecuted for one of the last Day of 24's murders.

Several of last season's plot points were quickly cleared up. Like Jack's miraculous recovery from the deadly toxin that was killing him the last hour of the previous Day of 24.

One more thing, I don't know what she's done different, lost weight, maybe? But Chloe is looking cute. She had to go back to work because her husband's job had been down-sized. I guess the economy is in the tank on 24, just like in the real world.

Anyway, I'm glad 24 and Jack are back.

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