Friday, January 29, 2010

The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love---Photos of Vienna Jake Might Not Approve Of

ABC's The Bachelor is one of the best train wreck type reality shows. The latest version, that being The Bachelor: Wings of Love, with earnest, up-right, up-tight, Boy Scout pilot, Jake Pavelka, being the seeker of a wife, is being particularly entertaining.

Jake has been the fastest potential wife dumper the show has ever seen. His choices seem perplexing at times.

One choice that perplexes the audience and all but one of the potential wives, is why does Jake keep giving Vienna Girardi those damn roses? The other girls have warned Jake that she's no good. Jake doesn't seem to care.

My sources tell me that what we are not seeing is how awful Vienna treats the other girls. As in epic bad. For some reason the producers choose to show us the animosity of the other girls, but not what is causing the animosity.

The rumor is that the reason it is being edited this way is that Vienna keeps staying around. How can they show her being a Bitch from Hell, if she's the one Jake picks in the end?

My sources also tell me that next week Ali, currently being edited to appear to be Jake's favorite, walks off the show, when Jake continues to keep Vienna.

Now, in the end, if Jake asks Vienna to be his Dearly Beloved, after taking Vienna home to meet his very religious mom and dad, and after their, likely, very chaste night in one of those notorious Fantasy Suites, well, Jake is in for a bit of a surprise.

Jake will be bringing home to Dallas, the Buckle of the Bible Belt, a young lady who has posed for some racy photos.

Now, to me. No big deal. But, somehow, I don't think Jake is the kind of guy who is going to see it that way. Maybe I'm wrong. Jake certainly seems to have no problem with taking most of his own clothes off for the camera.

Time will tell. I'm hoping it makes for some great Train Wreck TV.


  1. Whatever, Jake? Quit your whining and quit letting your pecker do the picking! You let Ella go? She was probably the most down to earth of the bunch. And now Ali perhaps walks away? You go girl... if indeed you did walk away! If Jake did give Vienna another rose, then he truly was NOT the guy of your dreams... A shallow excuse for a MAN, I'd say but then... I've been MARRIED for 35 years to a great guy so I guess I picked wisely! Keep up the insightful comments DJ! They're spot on! Your WA friend!

  2. Thanks WA friend. You've been married 3.5 decades. That'a a long time.
