Thursday, December 3, 2009

Top Chef Season 6 Finale Part 1: Jennifer Packs Her Knives & Goes

So, it'll be the Voltaggio brothers, Bryan and Michael and Kevin Gillespie cooking in the Top Chef finale. One of Jennifer Carroll's Elimination Challenge dishes was too salty for the judges' taste and thus the pack your knives order.

Micheal won a latest edition Toyota Prius by winning the Quickfire Challenge of cooking some grape concoction in the onboard kitchen on the Napa Valley Train.

Kevin gets motion sickness, so the cooking on a train was not good for him.

Before the chefs got on the train, it had to arrive, while they sat waiting at the station. When the train choo-chooed in, off came Napa Valley Top Chef Masters finalist, Michael Chiarello and a pregnant Padma.

Jennifer remarked something like Padma is one hot pregnant lady, while Kevin commented on Padma's baby bump.

I am a little confused about the amount of time that lapsed between when we were in Las Vegas and now in the Napa Valley. Some reference was made to it being 6 weeks. Kevin made a comment about his beard now having its own Facebook page. So, does this mean the chefs went home and were able to watch themselves on Top Chef? It seemed like they were in Vegas in summer. The Napa Valley episodes take place during a fall Napa Valley festival called "The Crush."

Anyway, for the Elimination Challenge the chefs had to each cook a protein and a vegetarian dish for the aforementioned Crush Festival. In the end, Bryan won. He didn't get anything though, like a car, like his brother did.

Next week I'm guessing Kevin wins Top Chef. Or maybe Bryan. I suppose it could be Michael.

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