Wednesday, December 30, 2009

The Real World: Washington D.C. Starts Tonight On MTV

I watched the first few seasons of The Real World without missing an episode. I do not remember what was the last complete season I watched. Seattle? London? Miami? The one in Hawaii? I do recollect watching some of The Real World Las Vegas. That's when The Real World started to turn a bit raunchier.

The Real World
10/9c MTV

This is the 23rd season of The Real World. I'm getting old. This time the 8 strangers are in America's capital.

So, of course the cast included an Obama delegate. Her name is Ashley and is described as outspoken, which, in Reality Show terms, means she is difficult to get along with.

Then there is Emily, an escapee from a fundamentalist Christian cult.

Emily will likely clash with Mike, he being an environmentalist from Colorado, who swings both ways, sex-orientation wise.

It is against the laws of Reality TV not to have a Texan in the cast. This time the Texan is Callie, who lived in a Texas junkyard.

Erika is a singer from Chicago. Apparently she likes to be the center of attention.

Josh is a Puerto Rican/Italian from Philadelphia with dreams of being a rocking rapper.

Andrew is from a Denver suburb where he has a reputation for his wit and politically incorrect comics.

Finally, there is Ty, from Baltimore, where he was a parentless foster child, finally adopted when he was 5. Ty likely has issues.

Maybe I'll set the DVR to record this likely train wreck. There's not a lot to watch these days.

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