Friday, November 6, 2009

Survivor Samoa Season 19: Episode 8: Eric Voted Out

Last night was the best episode yet of Survivor Samoa. With a real satisfying blindside of Eric Cardona.

Foa Foa plotted what to do if they merged with Galu, to try and survive while being outnumbered 2 to 1. Meanwhile over at Galu tribe members were plotting who to get rid of members of their own tribe.

Laura and Shambo got into a fight over a missing canteen. This led to the boys and Shambo deciding to get rid of Laura.

Treemail then hinted at a merge. The tribes arrive at a beach and find a treasure chest with their new buffs and instructions to head for a feast and move to the old Galu camp.

Brett suggested "Aiga" for the new tribe name, claiming this means "extended family" in Samoan. Eric said his translation of Aiga had it meaning, "Get the hell off my island." Hubris is always fun to witness.

Russell went into overdrive to get Galu members on his side, showing his hidden immunity idol over and over again, making the same promises to everyone he talked to. Russell got Shambo on his side with the promise to get rid of Laura.

Then in the whack a ball and try and have it land on the highest number to win immunity, Laura won, sending all the plans asunder. This was a double immunity deal, one each for the boys and the girls. John won the boy's immunity.

After the Immunity Challenge the tribe went into Scramble Overdrive. Back and forth it went. Plots to flush out Russell's immunity idol, plots to get rid of Jaison. Then John switches Erik to his vote out Monica plan. Erik then talks to Natalie, Mick and Jaison about the new plan to get rid of Monica, while making Russell think it was him to go, thus flushing out the idol.

And then, after Erik left them, Jaison suggested turning the tables on Eric. Natalie then tells Laura that Erik is taking out Monica, causing the Galu girls to flip to the Foa Foa side.

Russell was totally confused by it all.

At the Tribal Council Erik made one cocky comment after another. Probst says it's time to vote. They do so. Russell plays his Hidden Immunity Idol. Erik does not play his Hidden Immunity Idol. Erik is voted out 10 to 2.

The curse of the Hidden Immunity Idol continues. Has it ever been played when needed? No votes for Russell, he plays his. 10 votes for Erik, he takes his Immunity Idol home with him.

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