Monday, November 23, 2009

Adam Lambert's American Music Award's For Your Entertainment

Lady Gaga's heat started a piano fire on Sunday's American Music Awards show. Adam Lambert did not start a fire during his performance, but there was some smoke as he sang For Your Entertainment from his first album. And he fondled a couple females and himself and kissed either a female or male, I could not determine the gender for certain. I like Adam Lambert, but I am not a big fan of the screaming/shrieking part of his singing style.

YouTube removed the video of Adam Lambert's American Music Award's controversial performance due to Dick Clark Productions claiming copyright violation.

There is no shortage of opinion spewing from the Internet regarding Adam Lambert's closing act of the AMA's. Opinion seems to lean to he made a massive mistake. Some think he destroyed his career before it really began. Others think his act was pure publicity genius.

Me? I think Adam needs someone around him to tell him, no, that is not a good idea. Like Elvis would have been so much better off, and maybe still alive, if he had someone who could tell him, no, Elvis, you are not going to eat that deep-fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.

Below are a couple comments from a couple of random Adam Lambert fans....

Overwhelmingly, people seem to have seen the suckitude in that performance,but now you have the die-hard Lambert fans who are riding all over people saying stuff like: "You just don't get it. Adam doesn't need fans like you. Now that I've rewatched his performance 8 times, is was freaking brilliant!"

It's so freaking emperor's new clothes to me. And now I'm reading that the face in the crotch and the make out scene were unplanned, impromptu events? And Adam is on twitter saying his performance was artistic expression. Wow, he's drinking his own koolaid.

Everyone who knows me knows what a huge fan I am of Adam Lambert because I think he's one of the most talented and exciting entertainers to come down the pike in a while BUT my problem with the performance was the vocals. A group of us had made a party of it and waited in great anticipation to see our favorite singer again. To be honest, a few seconds into the song we were stunned into silence - and not in a good way. Where was the confident performer from the Zodiac shows on YouTube with the amazing vocals? What we heard was thin, kind of pitchy, and the looks he gave were scary - not sexy. Especially the wierd cross-eyed look at the end. Not really attractive.

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