Monday, October 26, 2009

The Amazing Race 15: Episode 6: Canaan & Mika Eliminated After Height Fright

The Harlem Globetrotters, Flight Time & Big Easy seemed doomed, due to having troubles with Roadblocks and Detours, like not being able to figure the 3 number combination to a briefcase lock or their taxi taking them to the wrong marina.

But, by the time the final team checked in, it was Mika & Canaan who Phil eliminated. Mika froze at the top of a water slide that ended in a pool with sharks. No amount of pleading by Canaan could get her to budge. One by one teams slid past the pair and down the slide.

Big Easy was funny doing the Roadblock where he had to row out to a bigger boat in a little inflatable that the 6' 9" guy was way too big for. When he could not move using the paddles he tossed them and used his big arms to move through the water.

The clue, after successfully completing the Gold/Hookah Detour, directed teams to the Leap of Faith at the Aquaventure Water Park. Meghan & Cheyne got there first, and even though both are afraid of heights, they zoomed quickly down the slide, even after Meghan noticed sharks swimming below.

Mika & Canaan arrived at the Leap of Faith in 6th place. Mika went into full meltdown mode. Canaan tried to reason with her, pretty much tried to shove her down the slide. Mika did some praying. That didn't help. Then the Globetrotters arrived. Mika now had 2 minutes to get down the slide or pull aside so the Globetrotters could go.

Canaan did some more begging. Big Easy played on Mika's fears. She started crying. Time up, the Globetrotters slide down the slide. Canaan followed the Globetrotters down the slide. Mika walked down the stairs, while Canaan waited at the bottom so they could make their walk of shame to hear they'd been eliminated from the race.

Good episode of The Amazing Race. I want to see Dubai in person.

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