Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Survivor Samoa: Russell Is A Real Bad Boy

Last Thursday came and went without me realizing the season premiere of Survivor had aired. I did not know I'd missed something til the next day when I saw a lot of buzz on the Internet about a guy on Survivor named Russell.

So, I went to the CBS Survivor website and confirmed that I had missed the first episode. Two days later I watched it via my computer. I really don't like watching TV shows on my computer, but it's better than nothing.

Russell is Russell Hantz. He owns Hantz Oil down in the Houston area. Apparently Russell is a multi-millionaire. Russell is only 5 and a half feet tall, thus he suffers from classic little man syndrome. He is quite the little macho man act.

Survivor has had many a deluded fool over the years, thinking they have the game all figured out, thinking they are smarter than everyone else. Russell immediately set out to make alliances with most of the women, whom he referred to as "Dumb Ass Girls."

It did not seem to occur to Russell that all it would take is one dumb ass girl to mention to another dumb ass girl that she had an alliance with Russell for his dumb ass game to come crashing down around him.

Another piece of Russell's brilliant strategy is to foment unrest and upset among his tribe. To that end Russell got up in the middle of the night and emptied everyone's water canteens. And he burned one of Jaison's socks, to Jaison's sore foot chagrin in the morning.

Over on Survivor Sucks there is some idiot with an online petition to CBS, insisting that Russell be punished for violating the rule about damaging other people's property. Apparently the petitioning viewer thinks Survivor is a live production, with the ability to ban someone on the fly, like Big Brother can do. This viewer must not remember Rupert stealing the other tribes shoes at the start of Survivor Pearl Islands.

One of Russell's other ploys was to get his tribe feeling sympathy for him via an elaborate story he told about losing his dog in New Orleans during Katrina where Russell waited on his roof for 2 days to be rescued. Russell gleefully tells the viewers, via many confessionals, his personal pleasure at duping all these dopes.

Marisa got a bit wary of Russell and had the nerve to question him. This made Marissa Russell's choice to be kicked out of the tribe. Russell got his way, so for now he is a successful puppetmaster. We'll see how long that lasts.

Other than Russell, the rest of the people did not stick in my mind, too much. It appears that Samoa will be providing some nice tropical South Seas scenery to this season of Survivor.

I need to remember to set my DVR to start recording Survivor. I don't want to watch it on my computer again.

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