Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hell's Kitchen: Sweaty Tattooed Mad Van Leaves

I really should have my permit to operate a TV remote revoked. A couple days ago I blogged about what I thought was the latest episode of Hell's Kitchen.

When I went to the FOX Hell's Kitchen website, to check on a name, I saw that the re-cap, for what I thought was next week's Hell's Kitchen, was up and ready to be read.

I thought I had myself a real scoop, that this was a mistake, that the erroneous re-cap would soon be taken down.

What I did not know was that on Tuesday FOX ran back to back episodes of Hell's Kitchen, to make up for it being pre-empted the week before.

I learned of my error when I read a viewer express joy at getting both Sabrina and Van off her TV screen in one week.

It is nice to be rid of Van. In the episode that killed him, Van once again had trouble cooking seafood, despite hearing him brag over and over again that cooking seafood is his specialty.

In his final episode part of Van's expertise with seafood included dripping a lot of sweat on to the fish while it cooked. Van's head looked like it was going to explode when Ramsay told him to come to him so Ramsay could yell at Van's sweaty face.

What caused that boy to sweat so much this episode? None of the others seemed to suffer that problem. I thought there was something way off about Van from the day we met him. His odd haircut, the tattoos, the Boomhauer garbled way of talking, the temper, the stammering when trying to describe what he'd cooked. And then in his last episode the innocent viewers were subjected to the sight of Van shirtless. I had to hit the pause button and try and figure out what the big tattoo across his chest spelled. I gave up.

Van cooks in a restaurant in Dallas. I need to find out which one and make sure I don't accidentally go there.

Tennile was the star, along with one-armed Dave, this episode. Tennile's shouted confessionals are both amusing and annoying. Suzanne needs to go next. She seems way in over her head.

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