Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hell's Kitchen: The Girls Eat In The Dark, The Boys Drink Liquid Duck, Amanda Goes Home

The week's Hell's Kitchen episode starts with the classic blind taste test challenge. The men against the women. The women start off strong, but the men catch up, with the final pairing being the beat up Andy against Amanda. If Andy wins the challenge for the men, it will be major redemption for him. But, he was unable to taste, if I remember right, tuna and avocado, giving the win to the women.

The women were told their reward would be a unique culinary experience. The men were told their punishment would be to make sorbet by hand. This involved the removal of a lot of seeds and dealing with a lot of fruit and berries. The men had to hand polish all the sorbet glasses.

The men grew hungry, ready for lunch. Chef Scott brings duck, beef and scallop to the table. And then purees all that protein in a blender. All drink their lunch, but Van is the only one who seems to enjoy it.

The women's unique culinary experience turns out to be eating in the dark with Chef Ramsay at an LA restaurant named Opaque. Suzanne annoyed the other women, during dinner, with her sucking up to Ramsay.

The men work hard to prepare for their 8th dinner service, while the women plot to get rid of Suzanne.

Hell's Kitchen opens and its off to a good start for both teams. Van takes over the appetizer station with Chef Ramsay not liking his risotto. In the women's kitchen problems start to arise with Amanda having trouble on her garnish station. Then raw lamb gets sent back. It had been uncooked by Sabrina, so Ramsay sends her out to the dining room to eat the lamb in front of the diners.

Meanwhile, Andy runs low on mashed potatoes. Ramsay does some yelling at Andy, while Dave steps in and starts making mashed potatoes.

Even though it was a bit rough at time, both teams complete their dinner service. Chef Ramsay says he was not pleased with either team, but the men were the winners. He praises Tennile for being the best of the worst and tells her to pick two to be up for elimination.

Tennile would prefer to simply only pick Suzanne. The women confront Suzanne with their issues regarding her behavior. In the end, Tennile decides on Sabrina to stand before Ramsay with Suzanne. Tennile tells Ramsay her reasons for both, then Ramsay tells Amanda to stand by Suzanne and Sabrina. After each woman pleads her case, Ramsay sends Amanda home.

I don't know why Chef Ramsay has anyone bother to pick anyone as the nominee for eviction when he so frequently overrules those choices and sends someone else home. This does make for a bit of entertaining, you don't know what's gonna happen, TV.

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