Tuesday, September 15, 2009

America's Got Talent: Final Performance Show Does Not Wow Me

That is Barbara Padilla. She sings opera. I have never been a fan of opera. Last night I watched the entire finale performance show of America's Got Talent. I have never watched an entire episode of this show before. But it's currently the #1 TV show in America, so I figured I'd watch.

So, what did I think? Well. I have never been a fan of David Hasselhoff. Listening to him be a judge reinforced my aversion to him. Everything about that man does not seem remotely natural to me.

As for Sharon Osborne. I have always liked that woman. She seems really nice and she's funny.

As for Piers Morgan. He's got that British accent going on, so he naturally sounds smarter than David Hasselhoff.

Last night, for the most part, the judges seemed to tell each of the final 10 that they had a shot at winning the thing, even though it seemed obvious to me, a non-viewer, that several did not have a chance.

Like The Voices of Glory. A cute trio of singing siblings. I fast forwarded through their singing. Praise was heaped on them. But the winner gets a show in Las Vegas, in addition to $1 million. I can't see these 3 kids as a Vegas act.

Then there were the The Texas Tenors. Another trio. The judges all called their rendition of Frank Sinatra's My Way cheesy. In a good way. I just did not find them remotely entertaining.

There was a break dancer named Hairo Torres, from Grant's Pass, Oregon of all places. I thought his break dancing act was entertaining. But the judges seemed a tad critical. I can't imagine Hairo's act being a Vegas act.

Lawrence Beamen had a big big voice. The judges dubbed him a Barry White type. He seems like a really nice guy. But sort of generic. Can't see him winning.

Grandma Lee is a standup comic. She arrived on stage ala Cleopatra, carried by shirtless muscle boys. Grandma Lee had a big ol' baby hump, which she first attributed to Baby Daddy Piers, but later claimed Simon Cowell was the Baby Daddy. I think Grandma Lee is kind of cute. She was funny a couple times. But I did not find myself laughing. Sharon Osborne claimed she laughed through the entire act, after Grandma Lee made a Ryan Seacrest/Brokeback Mountain joke that sailed over my head. Grandma Lee is one of the Final 10 I could see winning and being a Las Vegas act.

Drew Stevyns is a singing guitarist. I liked him all right. I don't know how far he would have gone on American Idol. None of the singers seemed to be very far into the performance type mode of an Adam Lambert, for instance. Actually none of the Final 10 seemed to have that Adam Lambert I think I have just seen a new star type effect. Compared to his competition I could see this Stevyns guy winning the thing.

The Fab Five are a group of dance stomping siblings. I rather liked them. At least they held my interest the entire time they were stomping. I could see their act as something at a Vegas show.

Kevin Skinner. I liked this guy. A country singer/guitarist. He came on the show from a humble chicken growing life in Kentucky. His speaking voice is stereotypically Deep South. His singing voice is much easier to understand. I could see him winning, maybe.

Recycled Percussion was the last to perform. Basically this act is 4 guys pounding on various items and making a lot of noise. The novelty part of last night's act was water showering down on 2 of the guys while they were making noise. This act seemed to be the favorite of the judges. Why? I do not know. I can't see it as a Vegas act.

All in all, I was not all that impressed. The only act that came close to making me go wow was the opera singer Barbara Padilla. And I don't like opera. I really don't think she has a ghost's chance of winning this thing, but I do think, like the Hoff said, she is going to go far beyond this show.

I'll watch the results show on Wednesday, primarily to see the American debut of Susan Boyle. I really don't care who wins America's Got Talent.


  1. Funny. I could see the percussion group being a Vegas act. The unemployed chicken farmer was good, but compared to some of the others, not so good, IMHO. I can see him winning the sympathy vote.

  2. I guess I can see the Recycled Bangers as a Vegas act. What I should have said was that it was nothing I would pay to see in Vegas. It'd give me a headache.
