Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hell's Kitchen: Tek Can't Grill Steak While Robert's Heart Explodes Again

Another very entertaining episode of Hell's Kitchen this week. The challenge was to cook for a soldier, newly returned from Iraq. The soldier's wife told Robert and Suzanne what her husband's favorite foods were.

The two teams then had to prepare a sample menu for the wife to taste and pick what she thought her husband would like best. Robert listened better than Suzanne. Suzanne ignored any input from her team and pretty much barked orders, ignoring Tennile's soul food suggestions. This kept Tennile unhappy throughout the episode.

The wife picked the men's menu.

For their reward the men put on flight suits and then took to the air for some dogfighting. I don't think I actually saw Robert in the air. But there was no moment where we got told he was too big to fit in one of the little planes, like when he had to take a ferry to Catalina Island because he was too big for the helicopter.

The women's punishment was to follow the orders of Gordon Ramsay's rather good-looking wife, decorating the restaurant.

When it came time to prep for dinner, the women had trouble mastering the men's menu.

Dinner service started after the soldier got his surprise welcome to Hell's Kitchen. The men started off fast and never slowed up. The women had problem after problem. When they finally managed to get all their appetizers out, dinner service ground to a halt for the women when over and over and over again Tek messed up grilling steak.

Even though Tek seemed to be wasting a cow or two, there was no suggestion that she be booted off the steak grilling task.

The men finished their dinner service, while the women's diners were getting very impatient. Ramsay ordered the men to step in and take over for the women. The men then quickly started having entrees flying out to the hungry diners.

I've never seen it be so lop-sided on Hell's Kitchen.

Ramsay sent the women off to pick two for possible elimination. Tek was the obvious pick. And they also picked Tennile, who was quite unhappy about it. Tennile shared her displeasure with Chef Ramsay and told him she thought Amanda should have been picked for elimination.

Ramsay, thought back to Amanda's raw shrimp and then told Tennile to get back in line and told Amanda to step forward.

The two girls plead their case. Tex seemed deluded. Amanda cried. When Ramsay told her she'd given up, Amanda rallied herself enough that Ramsay booted the obvious bootee, Tek.

In the previews we saw Tennile totally lose it at Ramsay, shouting back at him, telling him he can dish it out, but he can't take it in return. We then see Robert saying his heart is exploding and then we see an ambulance take him away.

Robert seems to have gotten even bigger since we saw him leave, due to medical reasons, on the previous season of Hell's Kitchen. Why did anyone think he'd handle the stress of this Hellish show any better this time? If Robert survives this latest hospital bout, he should consider doing what Tennile did. She had gastric bypass surgery and lost over 100 pounds.

Tennile graduated at the top of her class at the Johnson and Wales Culinary School. I've never heard of that school.

Dave being able to function well, with only one hand, was impressive this episode. As was Kevin's helping Jim when he got a bit overwhelmed on the grilling station. But then Kevin got a bit cocky about his helpfulness in his private comments moments.

I suspect Robert survives next week's bout of heart pain.

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